Scar healing - question about the ridge/bumpiness of the scar

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T in YVR

Well-known member
Feb 21, 2013
North Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hey all,

My scar is 10" long and is healing up pretty well for the most part I think. I get some pain around one of the drain tube holes still though, especially if I turn/twist at all.

My question is this: the top 3" of my scar is quite raised. Its like a ridge that sticks up and runs along for 3". Its also the most sensitive part of the scar. I assume this is due in part to (a) muscles/tendons and perhaps some swelling still (b) sternum wires. I'm not sure why it protrudes more at the top vs. elsewhere (my scar is getting much flatter below this for the bottom 7").

Did this ridge/bump eventually go down for most of you (assuming you had something like this)? I'm only 5 weeks post op, but just curious what to expect.

Hi Tony-

My scar does the opposite to yours, it has a red lump at the bottom. Who knows why, but I had two OHS within one year so there may be something to that . . . .

I used a silicon sheet called Scar F/X from about week 3 to the end of the second month, that drastically flattened and lightened my scar even within the first couple days of use. I highly recommend that, and it's the most useful on 'fresh' scars so get on to that now! Unless you want your scar as a badge of honour, but that's not something us girls typically want . . . .
Hi Tony,

I have the exact same thing, but in reverse. The incision over the last 2 surgery scars has healed very nicely - blends in with the rest of the skin on my chest, however, the last 3 inches on skin which has not been previously cut (this time around the surgeon made the incision larger) is bumpy, red and raised, as are the two wire sites for this surgery. I'm 20 weeks post operation. I'm not really worried about this as I'm sure it will settle and not be as noticeable with a bit more time. I did think maybe the cause was to do with there being more fat in the stomach part of my body? I hate to admit it, but I'm getting a slight belly despite being the fittest I have been in ages. Age and gravity ...


Mine took a few years to settle. Strangely it settled flat in places, with the top 1/3 going nicer than the bottom. Subsequent ops were slightly different but similar.

Current one still a bit annoying all over ...
My top is like yours. The surgeon told me that it's this way because they do not cut as high as they would like for appearance's sake. Meaning that they'd cut higher if they didn't care about how it would look. With the incision started lower, you can still wear an open-necked shirt. But, when they end up stretching this upper part a bit. Then when it's all pulled back together, it's raised up. It'll get better. Mine is better (I'm nearly 11 weeks).

The chest tube incisions don't heal as fast. My Dr. said it's because every time you bend over or sit down that they get flexed. Unlike the sternum, which doesn't move.
Thanks everyone - I'll get that Scar F/X and see how it goes. I'm not bothered by the actual visibility of the scar - its mostly the ridge and bump I want to get rid of.

Big L - the top of my scar starts pretty much at the bottom/base of my neck. The very top might be a bit visible with an open necked shirt/shirt with buttons - and no that's not with the top 3 or 4 buttons undone - maybe if it was the 70's :)

I saw some pics on the TOOTS page and some people's scars were surprisingly fairly short. Not sure why mine was 10"...I guess he wanted to get full access. Looks like its a bit of a surgeon preference thing maybe.


I had bumps along my scar from the staples used to put me back together. They were there for quite a while and then I totally forgot about them. The only time they bothered me was when I went surfing without a wet suit. Eventually they went away. Not sure how long it took because I was so used to them. They will go away.
I'm now 2 1/2 years out, and my scar is hardly noticeable from 10 feet away. Mine is only about 4 inches long, and the doc started it off-center at the top so that normal shirt gaps do not show the scar. I didn't ask for special treatment, that's just how they did it.

I think part of the difference is driven by how each of us heals -- some people show vivid scars, others have scars that fade quickly. I'm not sure that we as patients can do much to affect the outcome, but if it makes you feel better to try, have at it.
Most of us have the bump and no one warns us about it in advance.
I had it both surgeries and it was quite prounounced.
You are very early in your healing and it is very highly likely your bump will gradually diminish and ultimately fade away entirely. It is swelling and unless you suspect infection or other 'problem', it needs no attention or care on your part and one day you will be so surprised to find it is gone.

As to the rest of your scar, again, it is very early.
I had two surgeries four years apart and my surgeon re-opened the old scar. I figured it would heal to a gnarly mess but I am so surprised to find it is almost invisible in most spots. There are a few little areas here and there where I can even find it.

We all heal differently and at different rates. Hopefully, all will go smoothly for you.

Best wishes.
Re - length of the scar. Mine is quite long also. My surgeon's explanation is that the most important thing is to get the valve in correctly. A bit more access help with this. The sternum will always heal. He did tell me that he would recommend a different surgeon if I really wanted a smaller scar.
Hey, I'm 7 weeks out from sternum cut -first surgery was minimally invasive an that was 4times as hard on me(?!). Yeah, I wondered the same thing- one side so high- weird(!!!!) but like they say, it goes away... Also I take alot of supplements (turmeric, fish oil, Ubuquinol(coenzyme Q10 but gets into the heart better, digestive enzymes with EVERYTHING and a ton of probiotics- oh an 4g of vit buffered C ( years doing that) and the drs were amazed how fast I healed. wouldn't keep it as a forever regimen but surgery knocks the blazes out of you and I want healthy again.I also take milk thistle to keep my liver in shape-it all works for ME. caveat- I discussed everything I took with my Dr. To make SURE it was okay, don't do stuff without the Dr. Agreeing!!!!) Michelle
Thanks Michelle. It good you found a formula that works so well for you. I have a mech valve, and am avoiding supplements. I think I get most of what I need through my diet. Many supplements can interact with warfarin. Anyways, the scar is continuing to heal pretty nicely despite the bumpiness. I have ordered the Scar Fx strip and will give it a go when it arrives.