Saw my new cardiologist today- about 6 weeks post op.

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
Well I saw my new cardiologist today, and the pain that I've been complaining about (in the "Just For Ladies thread" is not just part of the healing. I have Pericarditis, which he is treating with NSAIDS for now, and I have to go for physical therapy....yippee.:eek:.I have to see him in 4 to 6 weeks...well I wasn't planning on going back to work until it may be longer.:(

Oh yes, I know all about the dreaded pericarditis!!! I had it acutely about two ,maybe three weeks after the surgery. They tried Ibuprofen, and just about everything else! NOTHING WORKED. Finally, the cadio prescribed 60mg of Prednisone. Then I gradually tapered of to a low dose, then stopped. Guess what! The darn stuff came back! Everytime I have gotten completely off the predisone, within a week, the symptoms return! Not as acutely, but it's there. I realize it's the darnest thing, I'm beginning to wonder if the Dr's know exactly what's going on?? So, my cardio here in town says it sometimes takes up to 2 yrs to completely get rid of it. He said that the prednisone seems to be the only thing that works. Currently I'm taking 5mg every AM with my other meds. To be honest, I have not tried getting off the med, in about 4 mos. I am feeling much better as long as I take it. I guess I'm almost afraid to stop taking it, at this point. My cardio does not seeem to have a problem with the low dose. He says your body makes about that, naturally. Also, if I need to take it for life, no problem.

My next door neighbor, who is in her seventies, has been taking the same dose for 19 yrs! She was diognosed with inflamation of the blood vessels. She said her dr. never did find out the reason for the problem.

Keep us updated, please

Linda everyone is different though! Please don't be distressed. It is easily controlled. Most likely, I would think the Dr. would treat it with the prednisone.
Thanks Kathy, I'm not really distressed just aggravated. He's given me 7 days of Naproxen 500 mg 2x a day. I now know why the percocet did not work, I needed an NSAID. I now have to sign up for therapy, just for that, We will see how the naproxen works, as far as physical therapy, I'm not sure if it is cardio rehab or regular physical therapy, that he wants me to do. I forgot to ask, as I was trying to grasp the pericarditis.Right now I'm going to take the meds and see what happens...I'm not running around looking for a therapy place when I am in pain.
It's just another day in the neighborhood....
I'm sorry to hear this, IF it is any consolation, Justin tends to get that alot ofter his OHS and when caught relatively early the NSAIDs (he takes motrin) helped and it was cleared up quickly.
BUT I have to complain you give the worst description when desribing pain lol since you were talking about the incision I never guessed pericarditis :)
The pain feels like a cramp. It's much worse when you take a deep breath. Almost like pluersy. That's how it felt for me. If the Naproxin does not work. Ask about the prednisone. I must tell you, starting at 60mg, made me extremely nervous. I also had insomnia. Taking a low dose of Alprazolam does help however.


Is Justin still having a problem with this?
The pain feels like a cramp. It's much worse when you take a deep breath. Almost like pluersy. That's how it felt for me. If the Naproxin does not work. Ask about the prednisone. I must tell you, starting at 60mg, made me extremely nervous. I also had insomnia. Taking a low dose of Alprazolam does help however.


Is Justin still having a problem with this?

No he's good (knock on wood). It happens after surgery after his 2nd one of was bad and went on for months, so his other surgeries we knew the symptons, ect and kept on top of it so caught it early enough he was able to control it with meds. He didn't get it with every surgery, but with most of them
Feel better Linda. Take your time going back to work because once you go back, they think you are 100%.

I've been in cardiac rehab now for 4 weeks and it has helped me. I'm getting bored with it now and did not go today but felt like I played hooky as they called looking for me! Guess I'll have to go back on Wednesday!
Lynlw, and Kathy,
The pain started around the incision for the bypass machine and my right breast, I did not even know what pericarditis was, let alone how to describe every nuance of the pain, but when it went to my shoulder and right back, and had a hard time sleeping, I knew there was something wrong.As far as the breathing pains, I have COPD, emphysema,it only hurts very very little when I breathe in.
No one in my family has ever had an aneurysm, or surgery for it, so hence I I read here. I'm learning as I go, and don't forget that I was told by some poster that I was making sort of a big deal out of I stopped the post, I knew I was going to see my cardio today for the answer.
Thanks to all of you for your concerns..........So far the naproxen,has not done anything, but I only took it a few hours ago....and Xanex is my best friend. ;)

PS...Laura I've been working from home since day 8 after my
Lynlw, and Kathy,
The pain started around the incision for the bypass machine and my right breast, I did not even know what pericarditis was, let alone how to describe every nuance of the pain, but when it went to my shoulder and right back, and had a hard time sleeping, I knew there was something wrong.As far as the breathing pains, I have COPD, emphysema,it only hurts very very little when I breathe in.
No one in my family has ever had an aneurysm, or surgery for it, so hence I I read here. I'm learning as I go, and don't forget that I was told by some poster that I was making sort of a big deal out of I stopped the post, I knew I was going to see my cardio today for the answer.
Thanks to all of you for your concerns..........So far the naproxen,has not done anything, but I only took it a few hours ago....and Xanex is my best friend. ;)

PS...Laura I've been working from home since day 8 after my

Please don't think I was criticizing, you I was trying to be funny, not very well I can see. The Motrin didn't help with the pain (he was still on pain meds post surgery when he got it) it cleared up the imflamation and fluid
Just ignore anyone who tries to make you feel like you are making a big deal about something.
LOL... Lyn...I did not think that at all, I'm from Brooklyn, I have tough skin and a major NY attitude, and even if you were (you were not)criticizing, me remember we are all family on here. Like I said most of this stuff is foreign to me, you all know so much....I read and learn. If it were not for this forum....well let's just say I might as well be talking Martian to my family...for instance after my surgery when the surgeon told them that my aneurysm was just caught before dissection...they did not know that it was that serious. and (I was told, sort of stared at the surgeon), I wish I was so life goes on....Caio for now...
Hi Linda,

Just checking in to see how you are doing? I suppose you will post when you are able, or have any new development.

Just wanted to let you know, I was thinking of you!

Hope you are feeling better soon!
PS...Laura I've been working from home since day 8 after my

LOL Linda - thanks to today's technology, this is possible. The NYC commute is a tough one so make sure you're fully healed before attempting those subway stairs!
Well, today I went to my GP and filled him in on all that has been happening, I have been with him about 10 years and he is my proxy. Anyway, I got my main meds from him, he also said its pericarditis and for me to finish the pills to see what happens next. He also gave me a new type of inhaler (steriod) pulmicort for my COPD, well that stuff is really good, I walked a lot today and even took a bus!. However, my shoulder is getting better, but I still have the stabbing pain in my breast, right under the incision. We will see how the NSAID works, but tonight I am taking a percocet (1/2) and a Xanex, It's is really hard to sleep with the pain, it seems worse when I lay down, in bed, sofa or chaise. Last night I took my pillow and put my head on my dining room table...slept like a drunk for about 2 If this pericarditis is over by October, I will be back at work on a limited basis...I have to take into consideration pulling myself up on a bus or holding on to a train pole that will be jammed with people, or the dreaded train steps...
Thanks for being concerned...I will keep you posted :)
Thanks for the update Linda. I hope you sleep tonight because we all know our bodies need sleep to heal. I'm up every hour or two also - just can't get comfortable for long.

What's up with the COPD? Did you have it before your surgery? I was diagnosed with COPD also in the hospital and given Advair. My insurance won't pay for it and it's about $100 a month so I am not using it. I told my cardio and he said then don't use it! The pulmonary doctor put me on it in the hospital.

My scar looked better when I came home from the hospital. I'll be 11 weeks post op this week and I swear the scar looks worse and redder and wider! I can't wait until the numbness goes away but from what I've read here, that could be a long time. I always feel like I have a very tight bra on and can't wait to take it off! And then I remember that I don't have a bra on!

You took the bus and I finally drove yesterday! It was so freeing! The seatbelt hurt my chest but it was worth the pain to go out without my husband. He's been my shadow for 11 weeks :)

Get a good night's sleep! It seems like yesterday when you and I were counting down to surgery. I am SO GLAD it's over.
Laura I had no idea I had COPD or emphysema, all that and the aneurysym was the result of the CT scan. I figured I better worry about the aneurysm first. I was a smoker for 30 years and stopped 10 years ago, I get bronchitis often, so I was not surprised about the COPD. Come to think of it this all started from shortness of breath, a few tests later and it was a diffferent ballgame. You are so right, things change, and it was only yesterday that we were both so worried. If you think your scar has changed, maybe you should look into it. I'm just sooo lucky to be alive to complain about things...but I don't sweat the small stuff anymore. And working form home is stress free, as I have a large department that tend to get unruly when i am not there, let someone else worry for a change..I've done over 30 years of it at this now i will take my full recovery.
Hey I'm glad you drove....(I never have). Taking the bus scared me a little, it was really crowded and i was afraid I would get hit in the chest by one of those backpacks..
Ciao for now...Linda.

My husband bought (despite my protests) a twin size adjustable bed. Like a hospital bed, but prettier. He thought It would be more comfortable when I got home. Boy, was he ever right! Because of my effusion and pericarditis, I COULD NOT LAY FLAT on my back. I slept in a semi sleeping position for eight months! This was on my back too. I could adjust the bed a little lower every few months. I also, had to take a low dose of alprazolam to get to sleep. I am definitely not a back sleeper!

Try sleeping in a recliner, if you have one. Or if you can get an adjustable bed. It does work much better.
Thanks Kathy,
That was very considerate of your husband, i have to get one of them, (husband, not reclining bed, lol) I do have a chaise, curved, which I was in after the surgery, looks like I'm back in it, last night I walked the apartment for a while then decided to go to bed, not even 10 mnutes later I was on the sofa with 4 pillows, watching HSN, at least I slept, and the pain is not so bad this AM.....
Ciao for now.....