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Creed3 Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 12, 2002
I just found out a week ago that my oldest sister, who is 52, was just diagnosed with lung cancer. I had her son who is 12 with me because we took him on vacation with us. We decided to keep him an additional week until my sister was able to go through all her her tests and the biopsy. This is going to be so hard on her son. She had been having a cough all spring and summer and was being treated as though it was an allergy or asthma. When none of the meds seemed to help her doc sent her to an allergist who first off did a breathing test and a chest x-ray. That is when they discovered this was not allergies or asthma.
It has turned out to be Large Cell Carcinoma and has spread to one local lymph node as far as we know right now. She is waiting to get the results of her PET scan she had yesterday. She had an MRI of the brain and that is clean. We are praying that this cancer is somewhat localized. It is really big though, about the size of a fist.
I just feel helpless and wish there was something I could do to help her through this.
I was wondering if anyone here knows of any really good support forums for people with lung cancer. I know how much this site has helped me and continues to do so and I feel that if she had some support and a place to go at anytime that that would help her some.
She told me that just a few months ago she was taking a Beth Moore class at her church and her study guide asked a question about what is her biggest fear that she has when it comes to testing her faith. The answer she wrote was that she would have a serious health issue arrise to test her faith. Please send many prayers her way.

Thanks and Take Care!
That is very sad news.
I hpoe they will find a way to help your sister.
She is far too young to be facing something like this.
You are both in our prayers.
Gail, I'm so very saddened to read of your sister's diagnosis. She and the rest of your family have my prayers. I pray that her faith isn't tested - but serves as her rock.

I am so very sorry. The shock and the sadness at this time seems unbearable. I have lost a few friends this year to cancer and my friend David is fighting for his life. The common thread with all of them is the fantastic support network they encountered through the treatment centers. As here, life long friendships have formed that continue on to the families after their loved ones have lost their battles.

I don't want this to sound hopeless, miracles still happen. I hate this disease. Your sister's faith will get her through this. God's grace is sufficient. But like all children, fear creeps in. If she will continue to turn to her heavenly Father she will find peace.

My prayers are with all of you,

Gail, You and Yours Have My Prayers and Thoughts

Gail, You and Yours Have My Prayers and Thoughts

As one who is dealing with illness himself, and a father who's heart has about run it's course, I can certainly understand the fears and the anxiety and the sadness. Joining all the others, I will send out my hardest prayers that your sister and you all get through this horrible time. Hugs from Harrybaby:eek: :eek:
Gail, I just goggled "lung cancer support forums" and several sites popped up that sounded very promising. I am so sorry your sister has been diagnosed with lung cancer. The large cell cancer is not as aggressive as the small cell (oat cell) but it still is not an easy one to beat. I will put your family in my prayers. This year I have had two friends face mountainous health issues that challenged their faith as well and rather than see them wilt they blossomed. One lived and one didn't but both were still victorious. I know God is able.
Gail, so sorry to read this and all my prayers and best wishes to your sister and all her family. There are people who have beaten this- including a neighbor of mine and she will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Dear Gail,
I am so saddened to read about your sister's diagnosis. Having lost a brother & a nephew to this terrible disease, I can relate to the pain & desperation you're going through.

I just googled & found this website that you might find helpful, Check it out & I will include your sister & all her family in my nightly prayers.

God Bless!

So sorry to hear of this challenge your sister faces. My wife's older brother Bill had lung cancer, and an operation, but lived another good 20 years, seeing the birth of grandchildren and other joys. He passed away last year, from a cause not directly related.

So be strong, there is hope. Certainly offering my prayers to her and to you and your family.
My prayers are with your sister, you and her family. May God Bless her and find a way to help her overcome this.
Gail, I am so sorry to hear about your sister's diagnosis. I hope you find some of the sites shown here to be helpful and supportive, as supportive as I've found this forum to be. My prayers to your sister, to you, to the family, as you fight together through this challenge.

All the best, Sona


I want to thank you all for all of your thoughts and prayers. This is a very difficult time for my sister and the entire family. I pray that our faith, strength and determination will see my sister and the family through all of this.

God Bless you all and take care!

Very sorry about your sister's news....

Thoughts/prayers coming her way, and to you and your entire family....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"It's time to take a leap of faith" ... Steven Curtis Chapman ... 'Dive'

Sorry to hear the news...

I've lost a sister and a brother and my mother to cancer, in addition to three sisters-in-law.

This won't be an easy time for any of you but the with the grace of the Lord you'll have the strength you need.

Your family will be in our prayers and thoughts.