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I hate to be the one to inform you of this, but it is not true. They may accept that or they may reject and sue for the total amount owed. The area hospitals here are very aggressive in collections efforts. They will sue if they think they can win. Been there with Lyns kidney surgery and was making small payments when they got crappie with me. I sought legal advice and was told outright that they do not have to accept anything less then full payment no matter how many "Good Faith" payments have been made. :(

You want I should pay them a visit?????:cool:
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so glad to see you posting again! I didn't realize how bad you were until i spent sometime reading since I hadn't heard from you in awhile. Take care my friend rest and get WELL SOON lots of prayers being sent your way!!!!!!!!
Do hope your getting the much needed sleep you need Ross.
Fingers and toes crossed, along with prayers that there will be no more bumps in the road.
Now Sllleeeeeppp.
God Bless
Ross ~ Glad to hear that you're home. I hope and pray that you're on the mend and will be better very soon! Try to get lots of rest. Take care, Dawn-Marie
Glad to read, as I returned home, that you are home. Rest up and recuperate well.
The news that you are home and hopefully all fixed this time is the best start to my Sunday....God Bless...sleep well tonight.
so sorry to hear of all the complications. hope all the good thoughts and prayers from everyone at VR will help you recover soon. I'm sorry that you have to deal with such financial woes when you should be putting all your energy into healing.
Godspeed! looked pretty clear that returning to Mercy was the right thing to do,

Something mildly ironic about that hospital's name, Ross.....

Glad you are back home. Thoughts/prayers continuing, of course.
Extremely tired. Getting very little sleep. Keep having a taste in my mouth of blood that is not there, but I keep running to the mirror to check. Stitches are loose already, but I think it's because the gums swelling is reduced. INR was 1.6 yesterday, so I hope to have it to at least 2.0 today. They stopped the Lovenox altogether thinking that is what was causing the bleeds. Of course, I don't agree, but when you watch so much blood come out of your mouth, you tend to get agreeable with whatever is going to work.
Glad to hear things have stabilized for you Ross & like others have said, try not to think about the financial end of things right now --- that can be taken care of later --- your life is what is important & taking care of yourself --- everything else can wait!
I'm happy to see that you're on the mend. Taking iron supplements will give you that metallic taste and hopefully, that's all that's causing you to have the flavour.

If the hospital decides to sue for payment, I suggest you simply meet them in court. Any reasonable judge will admonish them for bringing a frivolous suit against someone who simply needs time, not flogging.

Take Heart, time may not, in fact, heal all things but it definitely helps get things moving in the right direction,
INR 2.1 today. I'm going to try to keep it around 2.5 until I'm sure this bleeding thing is past.

I am very happy to hear your INR is above 2.0 - a little bit safer there. Hope you are feeling better.
I am very happy to hear your INR is above 2.0 - a little bit safer there. Hope you are feeling better.

I'm going to be down for a while. They didn't give me the blood fearing it would cause me to clot even faster and I had no protection, so they plasma'd me and left it at that. They figure my body can produce the missing cells as I get back into range.