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I think you do an admirable job. You absolutely can't please everyone. If you please the majority, the majority of the time, (which you do) then you deserve a BIG GOLD STAR.

I don't see a lot of benefit to the War Room. I assumed that it was enacted so that controversial posts were kept out of the regular parts of the forum. I think that was a good idea, but it seemed to just encourage controversy. I chose not to read it, which worked for me.

And, no, I don't think that you should be able to post anything on a forum. Freedom of Speech does not apply here.

I really hope that you are not going to leave us Ross, it would be tough to fill your shoes.
I have kept my mouth shut on this one (see, I am getting wiser with age):D:p ... but I need to say that I appreciate Hank, Ross and everyone who keeps this place afloat ... I don’t and I think most don’t have any idea what it takes ... Thanks guys and girls....peace out:cool:
I didn't say I was leaving. I said I want to retire and take my concubines to Mexico. (Mexico better not be more then 20ft away, because that's about all the further I can go)
Guess I don't have enough credit years on my work record to retire. Bummer.

I got the Cabanna set up complete with fire pit and won't be using it. Well I could set the forum on autopilot, but I'd be afraid to see what gets in after 2 days of not being around.

Well it's been fun, but time for this thread to go down on the list of pages.
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