Recovery had an unforseen drawback.(for me).

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
Well, I have been home recovering from my surgery and pericarditis, I have been using my cell phone more than I ever did before, as it was hard for me to reach the landlines..
Prior to my surgery I had everything "taken care of" except one thing...changing my rate plan on my cell phone for more minutes....lo and behold todays bill came and it was a whopping $735!. I almost had a heart attack, (my face actually started tingling),and could kick myself for not thinking of this before my surgery. They charged me 45 cents a minute over the minutes I was allowed...
Well there goes part of a vacation.
This rant is being posted after abusing the poor guy at the end of the cell phone service that I am stuck in a 2 year contract with.:mad::mad::mad:...
I am ready to throw the cell out the window...6 floors down and get 2 cans and a string, or carrier pidgeons.

I've had a similar experience!
In 1980, I had bilateral bunionectomy, both feet. I was in the hospital for 7 days and was apparently pretty doped up on pain meds. When I got my next phone bill, it was for $200. Mind you, this was before cell phones and nearly 30 years ago. I had called everyone I could think of from my hospital bed.
Like you, I almost had a heart attack!

Sorry to hear about the shock of your phone bill! Not exactly what you needed right now with everything else.

Hope the rest of your weekend is good. Maybe some great Italian food would lift your spirits. It ususallly does mine.
I'd like a couple of cannoli, right now., they had a Columbus Day parade in my neighborhood today, should have gone out to get the zeppole .However, my spirits did lift after I abused the phone carrier guy...I really needed that!...and he probably quit his
Star, I know how you feel. That happened to us one time when Justin was in the hospital, but all 3 of us were using our cell phones, (I stay 24/7 with Justin). Thank God we have roll over minutes now (and alot to start with), that really helped when Justin was in almost a month last year.
A Zeppole is deep fried dough, eaten warm with powdered sugar on it. Not exactly healthy but really good!
When I was young my Mom used to make them with ricotta mixed in the dough, they were fluffier...called them Ricotta Puffs.
HOLY ****! $735 dollars? I've always tried to hold down the cost of my cellular service. T-Mobile has a plan for about $30 a month that offers unlimited weekend calling and 300 weekday minutes a month. I know it's to late to avoid the big bill, but maybe you can get a cheaper service than $0.45 a minute.

HOLY ****! $735 dollars? I've always tried to hold down the cost of my cellular service. T-Mobile has a plan for about $30 a month that offers unlimited weekend calling and 300 weekday minutes a month. I know it's to late to avoid the big bill, but maybe you can get a cheaper service than $0.45 a minute.


I think the 45 cents was for min you use over your plan
A Zeppole is deep fried dough, eaten warm with powdered sugar on it. Not exactly healthy but really good!
When I was young my Mom used to make them with ricotta mixed in the dough, they were fluffier...called them Ricotta Puffs.

My mom has made something like that. I never knew it had a name. Just those doo-dads with ricotta mixed in!
Glad to know that you're home & recovering but sorry to hear of your outrageous phone bill!! :eek:

But, it's only money & you'll find a way to pay for it even if you have to make small payments. What's important is that you made it back from OHS & are getting on with your life.

Stay well!
LOL....Thanks all, I paid the 735.00, at least I'm alive to complain about it. I did change my rate plan, would have changed services, but I just signed on for 2 years with a new phone, before this happened. So, my ranting to the service got me nothing but letting my frustration out. I'm keeping my cell phone out of reach so I won't be tempted. My landline is cheaper anyway and I am no longer having a hard time getting around. So, no Disney for me this year....well it's not like I can go on Rock n rollercoaster anymore anyway. Wow, I will now have to read the signs in front of attractions about heart problems....that's worse than the large cell bill! lol.....I'm a big Disneyworld fan....;) Yes I am 56 years old....;)
LOL....Thanks all, I paid the 735.00, at least I'm alive to complain about it. I did change my rate plan, would have changed services, but I just signed on for 2 years with a new phone, before this happened. So, my ranting to the service got me nothing but letting my frustration out. I'm keeping my cell phone out of reach so I won't be tempted. My landline is cheaper anyway and I am no longer having a hard time getting around. So, no Disney for me this year....well it's not like I can go on Rock n rollercoaster anymore anyway. Wow, I will now have to read the signs in front of attractions about heart problems....that's worse than the large cell bill! lol.....I'm a big Disneyworld fan....;) Yes I am 56 years old....;)

Ask your doctors, everyone is differnt but chances are you'll be able to ride your favorite Disney rides. Justin LOVES the R NR rollercoaster and his cardiologist are fine with him riding them. He just can't go on the ones with really high G-forces.
Being on the West coast, I'm a big Disneyland fan. Still the happiest place on earth! Was there at the end of August for my 68th birthday and no problems...even with all the walking and the stairs. No ride restrictions but you had different procedures so things may be different. Anyway, go for deserve it. This year was exceptionally good because the crowds were way down (from the economy I guess) but next to no wait on any but two or three of the most popular rides.

okay, whoa, whoa, whoa. Who is your provider? I cannot believe that you weren't able to get some kind of consideration. You need to call customer service and very nicely describe your predicament. Then, after hearing that there is nothing that can be done, you should ask to speak to their supervisor. Then go through the whole song and dance with that person. If nothing can be done, you need to ask to speak to that person's supervisor. You were heavily drugged, open-heart-frickin-surgery!! They need to cut you some slack here. This is 2009. People are hurting.

I know for a fact that Verizon will let you get some kind of protection plan for just that kind of thing happening. It costs you more years sign-up, but for $700 it might be worth it!!! My goodness. You need to be a stronger advocate for yourself!!! Try to mull up some tears, too.

I really wish you had not paid them yet. Can you stop the payment?

When you call, take notes. Kindly ask everyone their name and then try to take notes on what they exactly said. There is NO WAY you should have to pay that monstrous bill. This is practically a news story. You don't want to threaten them with calling the local paper or TV station but frankly, you might suggest that it seems rather cold hearted to insist on that kind of payment and you wonder what the news media would think about it. It's not like you were just off on vacation or something. You were recovering from a stressful life-saving surgery.

OMG. Well, I'm practically fuming for you here. I just really think you might want to try a little harder on that one, but that they've been paid, probably won't do much good. THought they might comp you a few months -- give you a nice credit. something Really, try some tears. Maybe your hospital bills just came in and they are really more than you'd thought and you could really use some help with this. They honestly might not mind crediting you some months in the future. Please try it.

Good luck. Keep me posted.
