Recommendations For A Good Cardiologist At Stanford!

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Mar 31, 2014
Bay Area, CA
Hi Everyone,

I recently moved from Seattle to Bay Area and was looking for recommendations for a good cardiologist here at Stanford. I had Bicuspid Aortic Valve which got replaced by a tissue valve in 2007 at UW medical center by Dr. Edward Verrier. I have a son who is 4 years old and I am due with my second in August. Things are going well so far. My OB at Stanford recommended a cardiologist but I am not very happy with her. A lot of you have said great things about Dr. Miller so I am sorted as far as a surgeon goes (whenever I need a surgery) but need help to figure out a cardiologist. Hope you can help!

Thanks so much in advance!
I'd call Dr. Miller's office and ask. That's exactly what I did in 02 when Dr. Verrier replaced my valve the first time (Miller the second). Verrier put me in touch with Dr. Catherine Otto at the UW, who was good. I stuck with her for a couple of years.
My cardiologist works with PAMF, but he does rounds once a month at Stanford for his patients that go there. Not sure if you need a Stanford hospital and clinics cardiologist. I don't know any from that list. You can PM me if you want his name. Asking Dr. Miller is an excellent idea.
Hi Gail,

Thanks so much! Yes, I am looking for someone at Stanford hospital and clinics. I'll call up Dr. Miller's office tomorrow and see if they can recommend any one. And in the mean while if someone recommends a name here on the forum, I can talk to that doctor too.
So I did call up Dr.Miller's office and they told me that I should speak with my present cardiologist's nurse (the one I am not very happy with) and ask for a recommendation. Is it ok if I tell her that I would like to see another doctor and not the one she works for? I also called up Dr. David Liang's office, I saw someone mention his name on here on this forum and said good thing about him but he is not taking new patients :(.
The response from Dr. Miller's office surprises me. I don't think it would hurt to call tell the nurse you just don't have a good rapport with the Dr. Your likely to get a recommendation to someone else in the same office or group.

Funny story. My mom was looking for a cardiologist and I happen to have Seattle Magazine's issue with the 'best docs' listed. I picked it up and within a couple of minutes, found guy who was on the list who matched her criteria (location, hospital affiliation etc) and gave her the name. She also called my sister in law (a nurse) who told her those magazines were a bunch of BS and that she would find out (from doctors she works with) and get back to my mom. A couple of days later she called back and gave my mom the same name I had out of the magazine.

Believe or not you can look for a recommendation on Angies List. The guy I see (and the guy my mom went to see) were both on the top of Angies List as well at Seattle Mag best doc list. It might be worth a look.

Good luck with your search.
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I seems that the docs are told not to recommend a specific doctor when they give a referral. At least that is what my daughter's PCP told her when she asked for a referral to a good allergy doc. However, he has been her doctor for many years and suggested someone to her. So, maybe because you aren't an established patient, they are not willing to give a specific name. That's what I think, anyway. Have you tried looking at the different cardiologists on the Stanford hospital and clinics website? Pick one that seems like a good person, who's interested in their field, that type of thing.
Is there a rate my doctor website, like the rate my professor one?
Since Dr. Miller's office asked me to call up my doctor's nurse, I did and the whole conversation was so awkward. I am not a very straight forward person and find it hard to tell some one that I am not happy with them. So I kept telling her that the doctor is great and it is just me, lol. In the mean while I got a call from Dr. Liang's office saying that he saw my reports and is ready to see me on 14th of April. After few hours I got a call from my cardiologist asking me why I wanted to change and if she did something to offend me.I told her that I wanted to take a second opinion and some one recommended Dr. Liang's name and hence I wanted to meet him. She said that they all work as a team and during my pregnancy at least she would like to see me. I had an appointment with her on 17th April (ECG and follow up). Then again I got a call from Dr. Liang's office that they would want me to come after I have had my appointment with my current doctor, so now he will see me on 21st and not 14th. All this is so frustrating and amusing at the same time.

Our job as patients it not to have to worry about pleasing our doctors and not rocking the boat. This is YOUR health and your life and you must be comfortable with and have the confidence in the doctor you are dealing with. All the best with your referral. Hopefully, you will get a smooth transition to a new cardiologist on the 21st.
Good luck with this.
Thanks Roberta! I totally agree with you and did kept telling myself that I am the one who has to be comfortable but I just couldn't gather the courage. May be next time I'll be make myself clear and not try and think too much about what my doc will think.
Hi Swati,

My cardiologist is Dr. Lynette Lissin at PAMF. Her office is at the Palo Alto location on Encina Ave. I have been seeing her since my diagnosis in 2008, and I am very happy with her. She never dismisses my concerns. When I felt that I have on and off "skipped beats", she immediately agreed to put me on a monitor patch for a month. She understands my fear/anxiety well. My GP had initially sent me to Dr. Robert Master at the Mt View PAMF office, and he is a fine doctor with a great reputation, but I opted to see Dr. Lissin because she is a fellow mom and I feel like she is more compassionate. I am not sure if she is taking new patients though. You can try. Good luck with baby #2! Best wishes, Nupur