Rambling thoughts on my anniversary day.

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
2000/1980 I was drinking my cup of tea this morning and remembering this day four years ago.... when another memory flashed by... that moment in time when I held my first baby for the very first time. I was so young, only a few days short of my twentieth birthday.

I remember looking at him and thinking WOW!! My mom loves me THIS much?! I was so overwhelmed that it was possible to love someone that much. I don?t know if that?s a normal experience for new moms or not... It?s not that I had never loved anyone before.. I have a big family, we all love each other... I loved my Mom more than life itself. But those first few minutes that I held him were ...... I don?t know how to explain it... something happened. It was powerful. Similar in a way to an experience I had twenty years later..

A series of events led to a similar experience. It started in January when I visited my cardio for the very first time and he told me that my heart was in such bad shape that it would never survive surgery at that point. Ending on the afternoon I returned home from Denver. I had talked to my six year old daughter on the phone everyday. I?d never really left her before. She really missed me... she would cry and beg me to come home. On the afternoon I got back home she was standing on the front porch waiting for me. She hugged me so tight and wouldn?t let go, as she told me over and over "I love you, Mommy, I love you" I cannot tell you how happy I was to be alive and there with her at that moment. I think that?s the moment in time when I realized how valuable my life really is...not only to me... but to my children. Up to that point I had been so worried about making sure that I was making all the right decisions about heart surgery and making sure all my stuff was in order, that I hadn?t let myself breakdown and face my fears of not being here. When I got that hug from my Sara... I was home, the surgery was behind me and I was just so happy to be alive. So happy to be there in that moment with her. So thrilled at all the moments I would share with her in the future. It?s another moment in my life that I can?t put into words. But it was powerful. Funny... either event.. holding Eric for the first time.. or that hug from Sara still brings tears to my eyes.

If there?s anyone who might understand how I can compare open heart surgery to having a baby, its you guys. You all mean so much to me.

OH! I didn?t tell you guys about my Ry.... when he was home a couple weeks ago, we visited the heart surgeon. He told us that his dilated aorta appeared to be stable at this time and that we don?t need to do the surgery this summer!! Whew! That was sure a relief.

It really does make you stop and think. Sometimes it seems like only yesterday.. other times... it seems like forever. So many things have happened in those four years since my surgery.... my oldest son got married, he graduated from college and is building the biggest, baddest expansion bridge ever!, his little bro started college and is now a junior and I was able to hold my Mama?s hand as she took her last breath.

And guess what little sister wants to be when she grows up?!! A civil engineer, just like her big brothers. lol Who knows what the future holds....... My favorite quote, ?enjoy the moment?!

I wonder what ever happened to my cousin Bill C?!!!

How?s that for some major rambling?! :eek: You guys are all the best!! I feel so fortunate to know all of you.
Congratulations, Rain, on four years! And thanks for the thoughts as well, which touch all of us who've been through surgery at different times.

Good news about Ryan! But we still want to meet him in Golden.
Congratulations Rain!!!!! Isn't it amazing how, when we stop to reflect, we realize just how much takes place in our lives in such a short period (or seemingly short since time flies). We find hope where we thought there wasn't any, we have strength that amazes even ourselves and we have joy for life that those who's lives have been relatively easy just don't understand.

May you have 40 more years of reflections.
Congratulations Rain

Those trips down memory lane can be beautiful or ugly. I guess it's what we make of them.

Hope you have many more celebrations in the years ahead. :)

What a beautiful post! Congratulations on your 4 year anniversary! I can't wait to get my 1 year anniversary behind me (I'm not quite half way yet). Good news on Ryan too!! I look forward to meeting you in Golden.

Well it's clear you're gettin' your money's worth out of your valve job!Thanks for sharing your anniversary musings with us. You put us all in touch with the simple joy of being alive.

You can ramble on any time you like! I loved your post and am so happy about Ryan. I hope this has been a good anniversary for you and that you have many many more to come.
What a beautiful post, Rain.

If that is a sample of your rambling, please ramble on whenever you feel like it. :) :) :) :)

I loved your post. Congratulations on your 4 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!

WE are so glad to hear the good news about Ryan. I agree with Jim and look forward to meeting him.


Congratulations, Rain. I do understand how you feel.

I have always thought that my daughter's birth was the most incredible and indescribable event in my life. Holding her and being with her for those first few months was a jolt to my spirit. I believe that large part of that feeling was animal instinct.

OHS was a jolt to my spirit as well. When my daughter was born I just found it hard to believe that after 9 months, she was finally here. Now, I'm surprised on a daily basis that I'm still here!

What a touching post. You write so beautifully.

Congratulations on EVERYTHING - being four years out from heart surgery and doing great, Ryan's good news, the fact that you have such a great love for your children and vice versa, that you live in beautiful SW Colorado :), etc. etc. etc.

May God bless you with many, many, many more years of health and happiness.

Christina L.

Congratulations on your 4 year anniversary! Also great news about Ryan being stable for now. It's amazing how the little things in life can impact us the most. I've certainly had a change in perspective in the short time since I've had my surgery.

Hi Rain,

Congrats of 4 wonderful years. Raising my glass to you and the "Class of 2000" !! :)

May you and your family have many healthy and carefree years ahead.

All my best wishes,
congratulations, Rain - 4 yrs for me, too. Makes one appreciate life and what it all means far more than we ever did before. And besides that, we are generally softer, gentler people - it shows in your lovely post.
Thank you all so very much.

Thank you all so very much.

I?ve never celebrated the anniversary of my heart surgery with anyone but you guys. My family has no idea that yesterday was the anniversary of my surgery. That?s okay with me. We?ve all moved on as if it never happened. Even tho it had a pretty huge impact on every one of us in one way or another.

I appreciate all of you more than you?ll ever know. Thanks again.
Hi Rain,
Congratulations my friend.
It sure doesn't seem like four years already.
Good to hear your son may be able to stall this off a bit longer.
Our thirteen year old grandson is in the same boat as Ryan.
I sure can see why the big guy up there decided to keep you around, you have got a whole lot to live for.

Hey Girlfriend!

Would like to toast you with nice tall "Coke" :p
You have come a long way! May you have many more milestones to come.

Can't wait to see you in Denver. :) Happy Easter!
Happy Anniversary to one of our BEST friends in the whole wide world.

Happy Clicking from the "King and Queen" of Idiots :)