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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2001
Sarasota, FL
Did the Longboat Key Sprint Triathlon on 10/20 and the (in)famous 25th anniversary Bill's Beer Run 5-mile road race on Casey Key the following Sunday, 10/27. Pretty pooped this week.

Finished 2nd in the Men's 60-64 age group in the triathlon. Actually finished 3rd on the course, but got moved up when the 1st place guy got disqualified. Bill's Beer Run is the annual race put on for the benefit of our local track club. Lots of fun. Costumes are encouraged, and yes, they have beer at the finish...

Here's a shot of me heading off on the bike after finishing the swim:

Awesome! Does your surgeon or hospital want you for a spokesperson? Reminds me of the T-shirt that I thought about having made to wear on the bike trail: (on the back) "Don't feel bad: I'm only 47, and the heart surgery was over a year ago!"
I'm lucky because my primary care doc is also a triathlete and my cardiologist is a cyclist and both are very supportive.

At my last annual checkup with my cardiologist we were talking about how I had never actually undergone a stress test. He told me that he didn't worry about me since "doing a triathlon was a pretty good stress test".
Great job Mark!! That's pretty impressive! I wish my surgeon and cardio were runners. My cardio is a younger guy but told me he hates running...
Way to go Mark!!!! Great picture too!

You're very lucky to have some really supportive docs - I think they're hard to find!