Questions for those who had surgery

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At nine months out looking back on everything the worst part by far was the anxiety afterwards, and being by definition anxiety is unfounded fear, my biggest problems were made up in my head. I'm really happy that I had this surgery.
Was this ever true for me. Pre-op I was fine. Post-op, literally anything unusual was a cause for concern. I worried I would never completely recover. I worried the hospital staff was not paying enough attention to me and all my (little) complaints. The surgery was actually pretty easy but the early recovery period was stressful and full of doubts. It's good to be involved in your medical care, but it was too easy for me to go overboard and really undermine the recovery with all this worry. So, while getting comfortable with the coming operation is a good idea, it can be even more of a challenge to get comfortable with the recovery.
My first surgery was an emergency and I was so sick (and medicated) in CICU, I really didn't know enough to be afraid of dying. They must have had me on lots of anti-anxiety meds.

My second surgery, I was very anxious pre-op and moody. I never really feared I'd die either time. I think if I thought along those lines at all it was more a fear of 'not dying'...... meaning it would have been far worse for ME, to be disabled from the surgery but still alive. I worried I wouldn't die but would not be intact as a result of 'something maybe going wrong'. No one here has ever mentioned such a thought process that I have read but I know I fleetingly thought about it and let go of that idea quickly. I never dwelled on it.

Each time when I awoke from the surgeries, I clearly recall my first thought was that things went just as I expected. I just instinctively knew right away I was going to be okay. Sure, I knew I had a rough road ahead to recover but my mind was firmly set on the fact that I would recover well.

As to having to go to the bathroom post op.... You will have a cath in place from the surgery which will elliminate your urine. You probably won't be thinking in terms of bowel movements for a few days. They are insistent one have a 'bm' prior to going home. Your nurses will definitely address this subject with you.

Sorry to be so forthright and blunt with my responses but I see no good coming from sugar coating responses. If you ask, you must want an answer. IMO
I never really feared I'd die either time. I think if I thought along those lines at all it was more a fear of 'not dying'...... meaning it would have been far worse for ME, to be disabled from the surgery but still alive. I worried I wouldn't die but would not be intact as a result of 'something maybe going wrong'. No one here has ever mentioned such a thought process that...
This was my exact thoughts. I also have noticed that people appear preoccupied with dying rather than being disabled and having to spend the rest of their life disabled or in a care facility.
I have always considered this the worse possible outcome.
Your questions are copied, with my answers in bold. Hope they help.

1. Do you live a normal life?
2. Can you enjoy a drink, you know, getting a bit tipsy and have fun?
gave that up long ago--didn't "moderate" well--but have been cleared by docs to do so, if i choose
3. Can you do sports? Light weight lifting to tone, jogging, cycling?
camping, walking, "rasslin" with grandkids, parasailing, considering the warrior dash
4. Can you have normal sex?
only when i'm too tired for the other kind ;)
5. Do you function normal at work?
i'm a writer--if i function normally, my career is over! (but, yeah, my fear was pump head/brain fog: no problem)
6. Did you worry before surgery that you're going to die?
i worried for those i'd leave behind, but i did "stare down" the thought--updated will, pix w/the grandkids, funeral wishes and letter to dh that i had a friend hold on to
7. Are you moody with your family, friends and loved ones?
no more than i've always been
:D :eek: :mad2: ;) :eek: :confused: :p :( :rolleyes2:

As you may have picked up on, my sense of humor survived intact!
Right, first round completed, ECG normal, BP slightly raised 140/85 , HR 69. Currently Waiting for consultant to decide whether an echo is needed.
No echo! Just a specialist doctor telling me things I already know, asked him, how long till surgery and all that, he said he can't say! He told me to try keep bp low, no lots of salt and avoid very heavy weights!
Thankyou everyone for answering all my questions, do you know what a relief it is to read all your answers!!

One other question, after surgery,when you first open your eyes, is it a big shock, like oh my God, I'm dying! Or what a relief? Also, sorry about this question, but, what about if you need to go to the toilet? Is it painful ?

I keep thinking of questions as I go along, so I appreciate , really appreciate all your responses! Thank you.

Your questions are very legitimate, the same ones were going through my mind pre-op and long before. These two questions are very good. You will have a catheter inserted and you won't even feel when you urinate, they insert it after the anesthetic (at least that's what happen to me). Your bladder empties steadily so there's no accumulation of urine. I was so anxious to open my eyes and look at a ceiling and that's exactly what happened. One minute I was out and then next second my eyes opened. Of course, about 5 hours had passed. When I woke up, it was quiet (except for the breathing unit) and I knew I was in the hospital and realized what had just happened. I think I had vaseline on my eyes, I think they do this so your eyes don't dry up. Someone will correct me on this. They wiped it off as soon as I started to wake up.
Contrary to many, I remember everything, even being transferred from the gurney onto the operating table, speaking to the anesthetist, although we didn't talk very long..... You'll be fine. I looked at it like changing a muffler. The surgeon presented me with some documents prior to leaving the hospital with the type of valve, etc and I saw a "work order", somewhat like a mechanic gets at your local garage. The first thing that came to mind was, umm, I guess this is just another day at the office for them. In other words, routine. That's comforting to know.
Yup, lead a normal life but it's only 4 mths post op so I still think everything is new and takes getting used to.
I Don't drink, no need for it anymore to enjoy life.
Currently cycling 30-50 km per week, should go for a paddle in the kayak once it's a little warmer
Sex??? Dunno-single now and I havn't got around to finding someone to do it with lol.
Unemployed at the moment, reconsidering not going back to previous career paths and looking for a new one
Die before surgery? That was a real consideration on whether I'd make it through...continued for 4-6 wks post op too.
The Oxyies - perscribed pain meds in hospital made moods with others worse - my friends into recreational use for them are after the "clingy" and "isolating" effects, why I can't fathom myself...
Dear all,

I have an echo coming up this Friday, and obviously I'm a bit worried that anything might be wrong, had a CT scan last January and MRI, and been told I will not need anything done for a very long time, but, I just can't help thinking that I will be having surgery this weekend!!!! I know, anxiety! Anyways, may I kindly ask some questions to those who had surgery already please?

1. Do you live a normal life? Yes, better than before surgery.
2. Can you enjoy a drink, you know, getting a bit tipsy and have fun? Yes, had a few nights that I had one too many, and no issues.
3. Can you do sports? Light weight lifting to tone, jogging, cycling? Yes, I can do more now that I could before.
4. Can you have normal sex? Yes
5. Don you function normal at work? Yest
6. Did you worry before surgery that you're going to die? Of course, who doesn't.
7. Are you moody with your family, friends and loved ones? No

I'm sure I have more questions, but, maybe these play in my mind alot, hope you can be kind enough to provide some answers.


See responses in red!

I had my surgery 8 years ago, but I wondered the same thing when I was going thru this.
Honestly, I couldn't be more grateful to all of you being so kind and answering all my questions, you don't know how helpful this is for me!

A specific question that I got is, maybe I should put this under a separate thread, but, is it true what my cardiologist told me that a dilatation of the valsalva (44mm) could hold like this for a very long time? Sometimes no surgery is ever needed?

I called mine an aneurysm, but he corrected me and said that it's not an aneurysm, but a mild dilation as the actual measurement is 44 x 33.
I am 12 weeks post op for a BAV.

1. Do you live a normal life?

Mostly. I have to be a bit careful that I dont get to tired, so I nap a couple of times a day in the afternoon. I ride my bike and walk my dog. I do all my own food preparation and clean up after myself. I dont do house cleaning or lift anything to heavy yet.

2. Can you enjoy a drink, you know, getting a bit tipsy and have fun?

I dont drink

3. Can you do sports? Light weight lifting to tone, jogging, cycling?


4. Can you have normal sex?

I would be cautious if I was having sex.

5. Do you function normal at work?

I was back at work at 3 1/2 weeks after surgery doing light duties. I now work 3 to 4 hrs a day, four days a week. I am a buisness owner.

6. Did you worry before surgery that you're going to die?

Not at all.

7. Are you moody with your family, friends and loved ones?

I was very emoitional for about three weeks after surgery then it tapered off. I was told this is normal. After all, they cut into my heart and I dont see how that is not going to effect a person.
i m manikant tiwari from lucknow india. i m heart patient since 1999(age 12).and i hv operation (balluning in 1999) .at this time i m 24 year old boy and dr. of sgpgi luckow suggest me for dvr(duble volve replacement ) its arotic and mitral volve in aug 2011 .pls suggest me which dr. in india an which hospital in india is best n pls tell me after the operatin m i normal pls...there r lot of other problem in my life pls suggest me that time i take obeta 50, ditide, peidure12 l.
hello sir ,
l.i m heart patient since 1999 (12 yr) and also having balluing or my volve. now dr. of sgpgi lucknow's dr suggest me to dvr (
duble volve replacement its arotic n mitral volve .now i y age is 24 and no high blod presuer,no diabetes no one other..i think for the operation in mumbai asia heart insitute by dr.panda in aug2011.
pls suggest any one which is the best hospital in india n pls telll me the hope of life any one is there who live 10 to 15 years after the volve rplacement plssssss