Question on meds concerning ring

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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2008
The surgeon wants me to stay with lipitor even though my choresterol levels are ok because of the risk of cholesterol gunking up the annuloplasty ring. I'm not sure if everyone with a ring stays on Lipitor.

I took this quote from the "post surgery" update by TakeStock.......I had not heard of using lipitor due to concerns with the ring. I would be interested if others with MV repair are on lipitor? I tried one of the statins and did not do well....anyone comment??
My cardio thinks they should put lipitor in the water supply. He is very pro statins.

I've heard one of our local Cardiologists make that same statement!
Could that be a slogan created by the Manufacturer / Pill Pushers?

Personally, I a little leary of Statins after hearing / reading of *some* people having undesirable side effects. To my mind, statins need to be evaluated on a patient by patient basis and are definitely NOT for Everyone...
There are alot of people who can't take being one of them. Everytime they have tried to put me on one, my liver starts doing whatever it is not supposed to do and they have to take me off again. I have been on about 5-6 different ones and they always have to take me off. They have me taking a ton of fish oil tablets now to try and control my cholesterol. Does not seem to be working, but not much else they can do.

I have had doctors tell me to stop drinking alcohol when they have checked my liver tests. I am not a drinker at all....I can't even stand the taste of beer of wine so when I do have a drink, it is usually just one or two every year. They all thought I had hepatitis or something due to my high liver tests. I think it is either liver enzymes or lipids. Something weird like that.

I have an annuplasty ring as well and my surgeon and cardio have never said anything about taking a statin because of it.
Did your doctor inform you of any other midigating reasons for this, or just the ring?

Also, my sister is a drug rep & she tells me that several doctors take it on a regular basis because of their lifestyles. Some doctors are so busy they eat what they can when they can, and I guess they take it just in case their cholesterol wants to start to get away from them.
I'm on a 20mg nightly dose of Lipitor. My cholesterol is only 150 but my HDL is low at 29. Still, I can easily fix that through diet. The dosage comes from my surgeon, but I'll be seeing my cardio on Tues and I'll discuss whether I should stay on Lipitor. I don't know for sure if I've had any adverse reactions to the drug. I know it can cause stomach problems and dizziness, which I've had, but I think that's from the other drugs (lasix and digoxin). I did see "rash" as another adverse reaction which is interesting because I've had an unexplained rash after the surgery, but it's mostly gone now. I'll let you know what the surgeon and cardio think I should do.


My cardiologist put me on Lipitor following AVR surgery. He told me it was just a percautionary thing. Unfortunately, this percautionary thing was costing me a lot of money because my crummy health insurance will not pay for Lipitor. Early this year, I told him I did not mind takng a cholestrol medicine as a percaution, but needed something different tha Lipitor due to the cost. He switched me to Simvastatin. So far neither of the drugs has negatively affected my liver function.

Opinions regarding cholesterol meds seem to vary wildly among the medical community.

I'm on a 20mg nightly dose of Lipitor. My cholesterol is only 150 but my HDL is low at 29. Still, I can easily fix that through diet. The dosage comes from my surgeon, but I'll be seeing my cardio on Tues and I'll discuss whether I should stay on Lipitor. I don't know for sure if I've had any adverse reactions to the drug. I know it can cause stomach problems and dizziness, which I've had, but I think that's from the other drugs (lasix and digoxin). I did see "rash" as another adverse reaction which is interesting because I've had an unexplained rash after the surgery, but it's mostly gone now. I'll let you know what the surgeon and cardio think I should do.

If you know of a way to Raise HDL through diet,
PLEASE TELL US how to do so.
Even though my over all numbers are good my HDL is low. (Every male in my family that has been tesed have low HDL I think there is a genetic factor.

Some things that are suppose to help are Niacin (B3) in large doses ( there is a study by Mayo clinic that confirms this) We are using that plus Some soybean extract, wine 1 glass per night, red grapefruit, a heart healthy diet and of course the old stand by exercise, (a little tough on crutches and waiting on AVR) We are trying all of these (except the exercise have to save that for after surgery) I plan on continuing this after surgery and will let you know if it works. PS one of thesatins (I don't recall which one) now included niacin. The jury is still out on if satin plus niacin lowers over all and raises HDL beter than satin alone.