Protein bars w/ no K?

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Chicago Western 'burbs
Can anyone recommend a brand of protein bar that has no vitamin K? I read labels religiously but would prefer to go with a brand that's already been 'tested' by a fellow coumadin-taker. I really miss my protein bars! I've been off them since surgery due to caution on some of them having vit k.

I don't know of any myself. If you want to eat the bars, you can, you'll just have to adjust your dose of Coumadin to fit them into your diet. Just be consistent in the amount of them you eat. We warn people because some of them have munched down on them big time and couldn't figure out why their INR plummeted. If you know your taking extra K, you can adjust for it. This falls along the lines of "Don't deny yourself something you like".
Protein bars with K is what helped me find this site. I couldn't figure out why my INR was running 1.5 and I couldn't bring it up. Searched the web and VR came up.

I have yet to find one w/out K in it.
K-less Bars

K-less Bars

Hi, Patty.

I have a suggestion for your vitamin K deficient protein bars. Look into the OAT-RAGEOUS bars by PROMAX. I eat the Cinnamon Raisin flavor, but they have 3 other flavors also. The ingredient list does NOT list any vitamin K. I didn't start eating them because of the absence of vitamin K, but because they sounded like they might taste good and it turned out that I really like them.

You can read about them here:

They are available at several online stores; I buy mine here:

One note of interest: If you order these and they come in as DRY and CRUMBLY, send them back. They are supposed to be MOIST and CHEWEY. I have received some older bars a couple of times that were really dry and I could not eat them.

Good luck!

PS: The Cinnamin Raisin bars have 21gm of protein and are low in fat (5gm total / 0.5 saturated). That's hard to beat!
Not All Vitamin K Is In The Food We Eat. A Large Part Of It Is Synthesized In Our Gi Tract. That Is Why You Won't Find Vitamin K Listed In The Ingredients Of Most FoodS.

Try Zone Perfect

Try Zone Perfect

They don't list any vit. K, and are fairly tasty: 210 calories;7g fat; 21g carb; 16g protein. They say it's all in the balance... Brian
One thing you need to be cautious of is soy as the source of protein. Bars may not list Vit. K as a nutritional ingredient, but if their source of protein is soy, then they have K. Unfortunately, you won't know the % of K. Bars with K aren't prohibited, it's just that you can't eat one or two a day and then stop for several days, this is when the INR will go bouncing.
BDMc said:
They don't list any vit. K, and are fairly tasty: 210 calories;7g fat; 21g carb; 16g protein. They say it's all in the balance... Brian
No product that I'm aware of lists the amount of Vit k because under FDA guidelines, it's not required, but it doesn't mean it ain't in there. As Karlyn points out, if soy is in it, so is Vit K. Just be mindful of it. ;)
Not listing K

Not listing K

I erroneously figured any K in the bars would be added along with the other vitamin supplements (B, C, Pantothenic acid, etc.). Didn't think of the soy :( . I also occasionally use protein powder w/ milk and had a false sense of security that K wasn't added as an ingredient.

Any idea how much K is in soy protein? I am not someone to be consistent with eating exactly the same foods every day, so it would be good to know how much K the soy contributes compared to spinach, asparagus, etc.

If your protein powder is whey based, then you don't need to worry about the K. I've used one for years.

Soy and K in products is only a problem if you are going to use it sporadically. If you're going to have one protein bar a day, then your dose will be adjusted accordingly.
afraidofsurgery said:
I erroneously figured any K in the bars would be added along with the other vitamin supplements (B, C, Pantothenic acid, etc.). Didn't think of the soy :( . I also occasionally use protein powder w/ milk and had a false sense of security that K wasn't added as an ingredient.

Any idea how much K is in soy protein? I am not someone to be consistent with eating exactly the same foods every day, so it would be good to know how much K the soy contributes compared to spinach, asparagus, etc.

Patty the best I could find was Soy milk, one cup equals 7mcg Vit K. That isn't much at all. Best thing to do is simply do what your going to do with it and see if you need to increase your dose or not. Trying to do it by the numbers game doesn't work. Spinich etc has more then 200+mcg.
Back to 'da bars

Back to 'da bars

...protein bars that is :)

Thanks everyone, glad to hear this isn't a hidden source of trouble for us vitamin K-watching patients. I'm going to Trader Joe's and buy a box of bars.:p

PS My PT-INR is monitored monthly by my cario, and if I get an unexpected reading I get my dose adjusted and go back in 2 weeks for another test, so don't worry I'm not going to binge irresponsibly.

Organic kids Cliff Z Bars.

Organic kids Cliff Z Bars.

As most of you already know, I don't worry much about vitamin K. I eat what I want within balance. I adjust my Coumadin around my diet. My surgery was 8/2000, I hometest and dose myself as well. Last weeks INR was 3.2
I thought I should pass the following on to all of you. I just love the Organic Clif Z bars for kids. Yes, they say that they are for kids but I think they are also great as a snack for adults. Who says we can't have them? No transfatty acids, 12 vitamins and minerals, NO high fructose corn syrup. Flavors are: Choc. chip (130 cal) Choc. brownie (120 cal) and Peanut butter (140 cal). They are 95% organic.
I buy mine at Trader Joe's and they sell for 49 cents each.
Below is more info that I found on-line.

Some of the other so called "energy" bars on the market these days might as well be a gigantic candy bar. They have high calories, high sugars etc. If you are on a plan to lose weight, these bars have about the same caloric content as a complete meal, so watch out. The manufacturers don't care if you never lose a pound. They just want to sell these bars.

Just my 2 cents.
Have a great day.
K-less Bars

K-less Bars

Hi, Patty.

I have a suggestion for your vitamin K deficient protein bars. Look into the OAT-RAGEOUS bars by PROMAX. I eat the Cinnamon Raisin flavor, but they have 3 other flavors also. The ingredient list does NOT list any vitamin K. I didn't start eating them because of the absence of vitamin K, but because they sounded like they might taste good and it turned out that I really like them.

You can read about them here:

They are available at several online stores; I buy mine here: - promax-oat-rageous_bar.htm

One note of interest: If you order these and they come in as DRY and CRUMBLY, send them back. They are supposed to be MOIST and CHEWEY. I have received some older bars a couple of times that were really dry and I could not eat them.

Good luck!

PS: The Cinnamin Raisin bars have 21gm of protein and are low in fat (5gm total / 0.5 saturated). That's hard to beat!
They have soy in them so they have vitamin K
in July 2006 jwilliamsr said:
I have a suggestion for your vitamin K deficient protein bars. Look into the OAT-RAGEOUS bars by PROMAX. I eat the Cinnamon Raisin flavor, but they have 3 other flavors also. The ingredient list does NOT list any vitamin K. I didn't start eating them because of the absence of vitamin K, but because they sounded like they might taste good and it turned out that I really like them.


FWIW, don't avoid Vitamin K in your diet (especially not K2 in the miniscule amounts that would be present in soya)

As Ross himself would say: dose the diet, don't diet the dose

If you know your taking extra K, you can adjust for it. This falls along the lines of "Don't deny yourself something you like".

Ross has sadly been gone for (approaching) 10 years now ...
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