Prayers Needed

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I know it sounds so trite but I am truly sorry to hear the continuing sad news about Chris' complications.

You and your family definitely will remain in my prayers!

I hope that someone at the hospital - a social worker perhaps - can help you deal with the insurance stuff.

God Bless you all!

Just sticking my head in to check on you Rossman...
I am praying often that all will turn out right for young Chris & Savannah...
I especially hope that Chris' memory and mental troubles are only temporary due to the soft tissue swelling and he will be sounding and feeling mentally better ASAP...
I know its hard but try to focus on the good and dont stress about the other stuff yet, time for that later....
know that we are all with you in prayer

God Bless

and ((((((((((((((((((((BIG HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))
OH, Ross.............(((hugs)))

OH, Ross.............(((hugs)))

I definitely do not have any answers as to why some people have so many more trials and tribulations than others............believe me, I don't have those answers................

but I agree with the others. Baby steps. One step at a time. Chris and his fiance are alive.

Find those specialists. If they balk even for one moment, read them their hippocratic oath. Then talk to the media. I'm not joking. The media eats these human interest stories up. I know. I still have our videotape of our Channel 8 segment because Don was deployed and we had Katie's next heart surgery looming. NOt that I would wish it on you for any reason, but your family has been through hell, pure and simple. Use it! IF the media catches wind of your heart saga, Lyn's kidney adventure, your frail condition, and now your son and fiance's medical problems due to a drunk driver, they will jump all over it, even more so if you are having problems finding anyone to treat them. ONce this hits the newspaper or TV news, they will be too embarassed not to treat Chris. If we can fly in cojoined twins from another country, separate them and keep them here a year as a charity case (don't take this wrong. I'm glad we did it. It was the humane thing to do.), then we can certainly treat our own. Yes, I think there will eventually be insurance money from somewhere, but that is not going to be quick and hospitals don't care about promises. Alert the media or get a good friend to do it. Maybe even airing this before a specialist says no would be even better. Dunno, but it is definitely worth a shot.

AS for the memory lapses, don't give up the ship just yet. After my dad's car accident, he was out for several weeks. When he did come to, he thought my mom (his wife.........duh!) was his mother..............and they don't look anything alike and his mother was dead. He had no clue who I was, and I'm his sole surviving child (yes, they got one of those 3 am unwanted phone calls, too. Sadly, my brother was dead, though). It was very hard to take. Eventually, though, it did come back............well, most of it. They had to teach him how to eat and drink again. Most of his memory came back, but there are still definite lapses, but he is 76 (70 at the time of the accident.) I bet Chris rebounds much sooner. I think his biggest hurdle right now are those ankles.

You have our love and prayers. Major hugs being sent, too. Love ya. J.

I haven't posted much, but wanted you to know that you are ABSOLUTELY in my prayers and DEFINITELY in my heart. I can't say any more than that and can't tell you what to do any differently than all the others on the thread.

I love you, my man, and am very concerned for you all. Please know, ONE STEP AT A TIME is the way to go, and Chris and Savannah are your only concern right now.

Ross, talk to the social worker at the hospital right away and get things started. The hospital has a vested interest in getting their money. Start the Medicaid proceedings; the social worker will help you. Then if there is a suit Medicaid can get their $ back if there is some awarded to Chris.
You are all on my mind this morning!! I hope for a blessed day today for all of you - with progress and relief in all ways possible. Please ask for any and all help that we could offer, even from a distance. You could not ask for a more devoted base of support!!!!
{{{{{{to all of you}}}}}}
Good morning everyone and yes, today is a good day! :)

Yesterday when I called the ICU, Chris was sitting up in bed, unrestrained and eating breakfast. I asked the nurse if he was more lucid then the day before and she said he's a whole different Chris this morning. Mom and dad sat and had a real good cry.

After we got our act together, we went to visit. He was 90% the Chris we know. Still foggy in spots, but completely different from the day before. He was actually apologizing to one of the nurses that he delivered some rather profane expletives to the day before. The doctor came in before we got there and told him of his mother in laws death. He was pretty shaken up about it to say the least. He has absolutely no recollection of what happened. All he can remember was going to a campground on Saturday and that's it. In a way, I think this is a good thing.

The Doctor booted him out of ICU and he is now in his new room on the Orthopedics floor. Before taking him up, they took him down to see Savannah and let them have about 45 minutes together. The Doctor even gave him a pass to come down to the ICU to visit whenever she isn't being massed upon by her family. A lot of his friends of come to see him already and more are coming today. I thank God he has them. It takes the pressure off of us to be there continuously. Obviously, he's driving the ICU nuts calling Savannah all the time.

Dad has sat and thought this through somewhat. Dad is going to step back and let Mr. Young handle his own affairs about the finances and hospital. He's 22 now and he's been living with Savannah at her mom and dads house and it doesn't look like he's remotely interested in coming home even temporarily, though he may not have a choice, when this is all said and done.
The hospital social worker came in this morning to see him about financial aid, so I'm just going to stand back and let him find out exactly what being an adult is all about. I did warn him not to sign anything from any insurance company that may or may not come in to talk to him. Savannah's family has been busy with the funeral arrangements and so forth and once it settles a bit, I'm going to find out if they've hired an attorney or if I should seek one out for him alone. I know there is little time to waste, but I can't just barge into the families thoughts at the moment.

Last night, we got home and both of us fell asleep within minutes. It was as if a huge huge weight had been lifted from our shoulders simply knowing that we were indeed looking at anesthesia effects and not brain damage. While I don't sleep good, I slept fairly well and even slept in until 8 am. Got up and there were messages on the machine already. Guess who wants a cigarette? :D

Thank all of you for your continued prayers and support. Perhaps God doesn't listen to me anymore or maybe that's just a feeling on my part, but he sure has listened to all of you!
Praise God:

Praise God:

I have another prayer for my list. I am praying that God will use me, as one of his instruments, and that he will use me and all the others to send his love to you, and that he will give you assurance of his love through all of us.
I am so glad Chris is doing better and that you and Lynn are feeling better,too. It is hard to let your children be adults. I know that for a fact. I will continue to send my prayers up for all of you.
Very happy to hear that things are better! I can't imagine what you, your son, or anyone else involved is going through.

I don't have kids and can't relate to that aspect, but I am 29 and can reasonably relate to his predicament. You are absolutely correct in letting him deal with this himself from a financial/legal standpoint. At his age, he still needs the emotional support that you are giving him, but needs to deal with the details of life on his own.
Ross said:
Good morning everyone and yes, today is a good day! :)

Yesterday when I called the ICU, Chris was sitting up in bed, unrestrained and eating breakfast. I asked the nurse if he was more lucid then the day before and she said he's a whole different Chris this morning. Mom and dad sat and had a real good cry.

Dad has sat and thought this through somewhat. Dad is going to step back and let Mr. Young handle his own affairs about the finances and hospital. He's 22 now and he's been living with Savannah at her mom and dads house and it doesn't look like he's remotely interested in coming home even temporarily, though he may not have a choice, when this is all said and done.
The hospital social worker came in this morning to see him about financial aid, so I'm just going to stand back and let him find out exactly what being an adult is all about. I did warn him not to sign anything from any insurance company that may or may not come in to talk to him. Savannah's family has been busy with the funeral arrangements and so forth and once it settles a bit, I'm going to find out if they've hired an attorney or if I should seek one out for him alone. I know there is little time to waste, but I can't just barge into the families thoughts at the moment.

Last night, we got home and both of us fell asleep within minutes. It was as if a huge huge weight had been lifted from our shoulders simply knowing that we were indeed looking at anesthesia effects and not brain damage. While I don't sleep good, I slept fairly well and even slept in until 8 am. Got up and there were messages on the machine already. Guess who wants a cigarette? :D

Thank all of you for your continued prayers and support. Perhaps God doesn't listen to me anymore or maybe that's just a feeling on my part, but he sure has listened to all of you!

Ross, I am soooo very happy to hear your son is doing better!! God might skip over some of us sometimes (feeling on my part too)but it's hard for him to skip over so many at once! ;) Hugs to you and yours!!
This is such good news. It sounds like the right steps are being taken all around. May you have some peace and a steady recovery for your son and Savannah.
Ross, reading your post was like a drink of cool water on a very hot day. I am so thankful right along with you. I think you are right about stepping back and letting Chris muddle through the particulars. Let him know you are there if he needs someone to talk to but then do your best to let go of it. We will continue to pray and believe that through this the Lord will accomplish good things in lives. The Lord I know does listen to those crying out to him and that my friend includes you.
Continued blessings!!

Continued blessings!!

I am so happy to hear of the progress!!!

You know - I think the memory loss of the accident is the body and mind protecting itself. I mentioned an accident of a family friend in an earlier post -years later, he still does not remember the accident - thankfully!!

It sounds like your bodies and minds recouped in that restful sleep last night, and it sounds like all these prayers are getting through;)

May God continue to bless your healing family!
Great news! So happy for your son's improvement...and for you and Lyn.

Sounds like you're exercising wisdom in handling the reins over to your son, while still being there for him. He's lucky to have you two for parents.
Ross , what a good way to start off the day this morning reading how much better Chris is and so you and Lyn are. I think stepping back and letting his deal with the financial things, knowing you are there is good for all of you and thank God Chris is doing well enough now that that is an option.I'm glad his firends are rallying around, but I'm sure he knows as this drags on that 2 people will always be there for him, his mom and dad. I'm so happy things are to a point where you can now take care of you and rest a little. Lyn
bvdr said:
Ross, reading your post was like a drink of cool water on a very hot day. I am so thankful right along with you. I think you are right about stepping back and letting Chris muddle through the particulars. Let him know you are there if he needs someone to talk to but then do your best to let go of it. We will continue to pray and believe that through this the Lord will accomplish good things in lives. The Lord I know does listen to those crying out to him and that my friend includes you.

Betty said it better than I could, Ross.
I'm misty eyed at the good news.
There's still alot left to muddle through, but we're all good muddlers and we'll trudge along with you on this new journey.
Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!!! Yaaaay Rossman!!!!! Soooo Glad To Hear This Good News......whew!!!!! As Long As Chris Is Ok, Everything Else Will Fall Into Place. God Does Answer Prayers, And I'm Sure There Were Many For You And Your Family.

Love Ya,

Wonderful news, Ross! We're glad the praying helped. And we continue to pray for his speedy recovery. I know there's still a lot to do but glad things are looking up. :)