Prayers Needed Now for Mary's Charlie

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Mary's newborn grandson Charlie was admitted to the local hospital last night with congestion and high respiratory rate, but no temp. After checking him out in the last 12 hours, they have ruled out RSV, but he is severely anemic, has heart enlargement, has a really rapid heartbeat making it hard for him to feed and difficult to sleep. They are momentarily going to med-vac him out to a pediatric hospital in St. Louis where he can get expert care and it is yet to be determined what the course of action will be, but Mary, Bob, Brig, Brian and Charlie need all our prayers right now. It is undetermined until he gets an echo if the bi-cuspid valve is causing this. Mary has requested that any "heart moms" out there who might know what any of these symptoms mean give a yell. Bob and Mary are going to follow Brig and Brian in the car and I will let you know if and when I get any updates. Please pray hard!!
I'm so sorry to hear this. The whole family is in my thoughts. This is a terrible ordeal to go through. May everything work out for a rapid diagnosis and recovery.

Very best wishes,
Prayers sent. This child is going to have the whole family gray haired in no time. He sure is having a time of it.
So sorry to read this, sending prayers and hugs to baby Charlie and all the family.
He's in my prayers. I can't imagine what it can be, since he had an echo,(I can't imagine it is the pda, PFO or Bicuspid valve causing it) unless they missed something. Otherwise the symptons sound like many of the different CHDs which would be my guess IF he didn't have an echo. I'm glad the RSV was negative, we almost lost Justin to that when he was a toddler. Thankfully he is going to a specialized center so they should get to the bottm of it.
I keep getting stuck on why he would be severely anemic, the other symptons has a (really rapid heartbeat making it hard for him to feed and difficult to sleep.)COULD be related to that
Lyn, Here's the email I got from Mary yesterday. Just now she told me that the tests showed he is severley anemic. They were waiting to do the echo when they get him to St. Louis after talking with the doctors there. I emailed her your post as I know she is checking her emails on her phone. Thanks for your help.

They're not certain what's going on with Charlie. He was admitted because his respiratory rate is so high and he's retracting when he breaths. That's an indicator of respiratory distress. He's hooked up to all kinds of devices, and he's having spells where when he is eating, his heartrate is accelerating and his O2 is dropping down into the low 90's, high 80's. The pediatrician said it might be heart related. The test for RSV was negative, and we were pretty confident that's what the problem was. Now that RSV has been ruled out, they will have to look elsewhere, and that's worrisome.
Prayers being sent and will continue as long as needed. Hugs go out to Mary and all.
Lyn, Here's the email I got from Mary yesterday. Just now she told me that the tests showed he is severley anemic. They were waiting to do the echo when they get him to St. Louis after talking with the doctors there. I emailed her your post as I know she is checking her emails on her phone. Thanks for your help.

Thanks, I was talking aboyt the echo they did when he was born, when they found the PDA and PFO IF there was a major structure problem they should have picked it up then.
(BUT the drop O2's when feeding were what made them look at Justin's heart when he was a day old)
I keep thinking the symptons are related to the anemia now. The timing seem to be when the baby making his own Blood should be kicking in. But of course I'm just a Mom not a doc
Oh my! So sorry to hear this about little Charlie! I pray that the doctors can get to the root of the problem quickly!

My prayers & thoughts for Charlie, Mary & all the family!!
Oh goodness, Mary. You and the family are certainly in my thoughts and prayers. Please try to keep us updated if possible.