Prayer warriors needed!

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Well-known member
May 18, 2004
Arlington, Tx.
I know that some of you old-timers will remember Katie's little heart buddy Tommy, who is also blonde and eight years old. Very few kids have had fontans and valve replacements like Katie. Tommy had a fontan and his tricuspid valve replaced, and I was able to talk to Tommy's mom before Katie's surgery, and she was able to allay my fears as best they could be when your kid is undergoing a surgery that is very rarely performed. While Katie was recovering from her 2 for 1 surgery, Tommy came to visit.................and then wound up in the hospital himself as his valve had clotted shut. Miraculously, his hypoplastic left ventricle had started working enough to save his life...............and it has sustained him the last three years, but he is now in full blown heart failure. Because Tommy, like Katie, has had so many surgeries, his antibodies are too high to list him for a heart transplant. He has undergone three rounds of chemotherapy to try and reduce the antibodies so he may undergo a heart transplant and not reject his new heart. Despite the three rounds of chemotherapy, his antibodies are still too high to allow him to undergo a transplant. Please, you prayer warriors, add little Tommy to your prayers. He is running out of time. Please pray that the level of antibodies is greatly reduced and that he is able to get a heart and undergo a successful transplant. His mom has incredible faith and is such an inspiration to me. THey both are..........His carepage is ThomasEarl . I know that Colleen will welcome your prayers and any prayer chains that you belong to. Hugs and thank you guys so much. J.
My thoughts are with Tommy and his family. I hope that his treatment is successful and that he can get his heart transplant.

Stories like his make you put everything in perspective - us adults who have successfully undergone valve surgery, doesn't matter what valve etc etc, are the lucky ones and have nothing to complain about really....

What a brave little boy and family.

Wishing them the best of luck.

Will do. It just tears me up when it happens to the little ones. It's so unfair, but then again, what part of life is.
Janet, You All Have My Prayers..

Janet, You All Have My Prayers..

Like Ross has said, I can't stand it when these kinds of things happen to a child. It's just not fair. My heart goes out to all of you and to Tommy who has to endure so very much in order to stay with us. ((((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Harrybaby:eek::eek::eek:
Prayers for Tommy and his family. I will pass the request along to my church.
Tommy and family are in my prayers. Please let them know we are praying that God will continue to give them the comfort and peace through this whole ordeal.
Miracles are even done today we pray this for little Tommy.