Prayer Request

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2005
Newton, MA
Dear Gang, many of you have said prayers, or sent out positive thoughts on behalf of me, and friends. They must have helped, both my friends, John + Richie, as well as myself have been snatched from the hands of death. John is doing miraculously well, but has a bone infection in his foot due to lack of circulation during his heart attack. He goes into MGH Mon. If he's not there already, and can use those thoughts + prayers again. I have 4 brothers, + one has just received bad news after a biopsy. Surgery scheduled for the 27th. Quite a shock as they had done one a month before + it was negative. So it is I call on you my valve brothers + sisters once again. Thank you, Brian
Thanks so much! John seems to be holding his own, waiting on an update. Brother is scheduled for surgery Thursday. I went w/ him for a second opinion Tuesday. He saw Dr. Tsing at Beth Israel Deaconess. She is GREAT! Left feeling reassured + relieved. His bile duct closed up apparently due to cancer. Dr. Tsing explained the whole thing doing many drawings, + making it easy to understand. She said the location of his constriction gives a better chance of getting it all without having to deal with his liver, or pancreas. She was very optimistic. Boy did I need that!
It has been a tough couple of weeks. Brother had surgery on 29th, but there was a large mass which was around an artery. They got a lot, but not all. :-( he went home Thurs. but spiked a fever + had to go back after 2 hrs. He is home now exhausted but glad to be there. Hopefully he got sleep last night! Please keep the prayers coming. He is a wonderful big brother, and a great guy. He has spent his life caring for those with mental illness. Started working at a state hospital at 16 in a very dark depressing place. He has always brought light to his patients/clients. He is a social worker, caring for the homeless, and I'm very proud of his devotion and hard work. Thanks, Your valve bro