Prayer request

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2005
Louisville, Kentucky
My stepdaughter Jessica is friends with a couple; the man's father is having triple bypass surgery tomorrow in Atlanta. They asked us to ask you guys here if you'll send out prayers for him. His name is Rusty Moore IV (guess the names of his son and grandson). Anyway, thanks to those who can help; it's appreciated.

Thanks for the prayers friends. Jessica's friends are really nice people and Rusty V is the dad to our grandson Jackson's best friend Rusty VI. We'll let you know when Jessica tells how it went. A little prayer never hurts (in fact, it's a life saver huh?).


Rusty Moore's surgery was last Thursday instead of Wednesday. He had five blockages instead of three; they were all blocked 90% or more. He's done fine since the surgery and feels a lot better. He should be going home this Thursday.

On behalf of his family, thanks for your thoughts and prayers!

FIVE!!!!:eek: Bet he does feel like a new man!!!!!:D Good to hear. You might suggest Cardio Rehab for his recovery. He might feel it isn't necessary but it serves a very useful purpose. Almost routine after bypass but not necessarily so for Valve surgery (go figure). I only got my insurance to go along after I mentioned they also did bypasses along with valve repair. Makes you feel better being monitored while you exercise.

May God Bless,
