Pray for Pat Martel

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2003
NW Ohio
My best friend of almost 30 years just called me. He is at UC hospital in Chicago and they are wiping down his chest for an immediate lung tranplant
this morning. This all happened so fast. I'm in a daze. If you could, please
pray for Pat- he is a great guy.
Both you and Pat are in my prayers. Hoping this day is a good one.
Bob Pat and you are in my prayers, Chicago is a very good hospital. I'm glad he was able to get lungs. and will also say a prayer for the donor family that they gave this gift, lyn
I guess if he's gotten a donor, he's cleared one hurdle. I certainly will pray that the surgery will be a complete success for your friend, Pat, and that his recovery will be steady and sure.
Out of surgery

Out of surgery

I just talked to his wife, Rose and she said he is in recovery but she hasn't seen him yet. His surgeon said it was a long surgery due to his long chest
cavity. He is on a vent and his O2 levels are great(for the first time in years) and his other organs are doing fine.

His family and mine thank all of the members and guest for their gracious offer
of prayers for my best friend Pat. May he continue to recover.:)
What a relief to be thru surgery. It's so amazing to see someone post op w/ good O2 sats when they had bad ones before. After Justin's first surgery I thought he had a fever because he looked so flushed, I didn't realie that was normal baby color.
I will say many prayers the next 24 hours goes smoothly.thanks for keeping us posted. its amazing how much your can care and worry about someone elses loved one, Lyn
Lynlw said:
its amazing how much your can care and worry about someone elses loved one, Lyn
I kindly disagree, you might be surprised at how many people you have no connection with, care very much about Justin.:)
Glad to hear the transplant looks good.
I hope he has a smooth recovery.
Thanks for the update and best wishes and prayers for his continued recovery.
Chiming in late...............

Chiming in late...............

but I am so grateful this went well. WE will be praying that your friend has a smooth recovery with no complications. P.S. I have missed you! Glad to see you back. Much love. J.