Post Surgery Heart Meds Update-Let the experiment begin.

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drivetopless Supporter
Supporting Member
Dec 28, 2008
formerly Atlanta, GA.
I was 5 mos post op on Jun 13th.
After a bout with Afib and CHF post surgery, all is much better today. CHF was caused by inflammation from the trauma of surgery and is now gone.

After trying many drugs to manage the afib, we settled on this combination of heart medications. I have been on these for 3 months or more:

-5mg daily Warfarin - anticoagulant - for afib and mechnical valve
-325 mg daily Aspirin - just because

-100 mg daily Metropolol Tartrate (50 mg 2x per day)-Beta Blocker - for HBP/irregular heartbeat

-140 mg Sotalol (80 mg 2X perday)-Beta Blocker -to help heart rhythym (also helps HBP)

-180 mg Cartia XT extended release(dialtazem)-Calcium Channel Blocker-to help heart rhythym (also helps HBP)

-200-400 mg Magnesium daily (buffered Mg Glycinate Chelate)- to help arrythmia

2 months ago I started Cardiac rehab and also added daily 200-400 mg of Magnesium to my heart medications. I'm happy to report the Magnesium seemed to help the afib more than the perscription drugs. I noticed good results within 3 days of starting the Mg. I stopped the Mg to test and the afib returned.

I saw my cardiologist today for a follow up.

Starting tomorrow, I will eliminate the Cartia XT and see if I notice any adverse affects on my heart rhthym. Stay tuned.

I will see the cardiologist again in 2 months.
I had a flutter post op as well, although I was only on metoprolol and amioderone for rhythm. I did have a diltiazem drip when admitted to the hospital to get the A flutter down, but that was discontinued and no pills after the fact. Are you stopping the diltiazem on your cardio's orders? I hope everything works out well!