Post op stroke

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Yes, my stroke was most likely due to improper warfarin management. It happened 41 years ago(1974) years after my surgery. A vision problem (right side blindness) was the only lasting impairment. Taught me to respect warfarin and ACT(Anti Coagulation Therapy). No problems since.
I've been doing pretty well I guess for 14 weeks post op but this past monday night I (from what I'm told) got up around midnight to use the bathroom and my girlfriend heard a crash. She found me unconscious on the floor near the tub with my head split open. I just wanted to lay down for awhile and called my cardiologist later in the morning and they told me to go to the ER. I went and they gave me a CT scan to make sure I didn't have a bleed. The conclusion was that a new BP med made my pressure drop off when I got up quick and I fainted. I'm worried that I may have had a stroke. Today I stayed home from work and my vision feels off, still light headed. I haven't had the head for work lately and am starting to think that
maybe I'm not as healed as I thought.

Boomanchu;n855497 said:
I've been doing pretty well I guess for 14 weeks post op but this past monday night I (from what I'm told) got up around midnight to use the bathroom and my girlfriend heard a crash. ...I haven't had the head for work lately and am starting to think that
maybe I'm not as healed as I thought.

sorry to hear of you 'crash' ... but glad you were not badly hurt.

Something which I heard of here some year or so after my operation was "pump head" which seems to effect cognitive processes of people differently. I had (for instance) problems with focusing my eyes, and would often get confused on some points. It took a while to clear. This is a good starter into the topic:

best wishes and don't rush things, it seems endless when you're there, but after a while its all just a memory.
Sounds like the new meds. I've had that feeling, but never fainted. I hope your scan was clear for bleeding, that's the scary part of being on warfarin.
I asked my cardio if he believed in pumphead as I've read a lot of the cardio community dismisses it. He said he does and I should make note of things I experience and share it with him. I have been more forgetful and at times at work I simply don't get it. I've made mistakes that I would never have made "before"
Thanks for replies.
My stroke happened 10 days post surgery , linked to post op atrial fibrillation .
On warfarin and progressing well.
Agreed pump head is also a feature of surgery.
Appears to help everything to pace yourself , stay positive and remember after surgery means return to better health on the horizon.
Long ago I concluded that for me it was a good thing not to go back to work until 6 weeks post-op (part-time). I don't think I had the mental fortitude and focus to be able to do much of anything, let alone work.

I remember that before surgery I had stocked up on some electronics textbooks, planning to study and upgrade my amateur radio license while recuperating at home. Heck, I couldn't even concentrate on the plotlines of daytime television for the first month. I was my wife's favorite vegetable for the first couple of weeks.

Be careful, take it slow, and by all means see the ER or doc if any significant decrease in your mental function is noted.