post op fluid retention question

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Hi, it is Rose, I am 9 days post op from aorta valve replacement and doing pretty good. A question I have for you is regarding the fluid retention issue. I still wiegh about 7 pounds more than when I was admitted and it doesn't seem to be changing. I know that it is a good thing that I have not gained but wonder how long this retention lasts.. Appreciate any advice on this. I do see both cardiologist and surgeon on Tuesday and am taking lasix once a day.Other than that I am doing good still hard to sleep for than a few hours at a time, but I have accepted that and rest when I can. I am just so darn glad this is over!!!!!!! Thanks, appreciate any help you can give me.
Rose when you have your appointments, bring up, in no uncertain terms, the fact that you still have fluid retention and ask them both if your lungs are clear and if you need additional Lasix to get rid of that 7 pounds. To put in perspective a gallon of water weighs 8 and a third pounds, so seven pounds is a large amount of fluid.

Also ask them both to palpate your abdomen for ascites and check out your ankles for edema.
When I was discharged, the clothes I wore in would not fit, and I ate VERY little during my stay. I was approx 12lbs heavier than pre-surgery. I talked to the nurse, and she recommended a mild diuretic, which worked great. 2 weeks post-op the water was gone, and I was actually 5 lbs lighter then I was pre-op. Too bad my appetite came back and I was able to drink beer again :D
Thanks so much for the info.... I feel fairly certain that this is normal, but the ressurance here is great... I had recently lost about 7 pounds before surgery and would hate to think I had gained it all back because I also ate very little in the hospital...Rose