Post OHS 2 1/2 years and started feeling pain again in sternum

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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2008
South Carolina
I'm very sorry if this has been talked about before but I started getting pains in my sternum again a month and a half ago and they are very bad when I lay on my chest. I don't sleep on my chest but in the middle of the night I roll onto it and it hurts bad. I feel a popping sound when I roll around on it and my surgery was 2 and a half years ago.

My thing is I went in to see my Doctor (Cardio) yesterday and he said it is normal. I didn't have these pains 3 months ago or a year ago, I started them a month and a half ago and he is telling me they are normal for having open heart surgery. I ask if I could get and x ray to make sure everything was ok and he told me I didn't need one right now and that if the pain gets worse to let him know. I told him the pain can't get much worse now. I don't feel alot of pain sitting or standing but when I roll on my chest it feels like I had a 18 wheeler run me over.

I would like to know if any one else went through the same thing? What I should do? I moved away from my surgeon so I would go back to him, but should I call him anyways? Any thoughts, please help!!

Hi Brian. I have not had my ohs yet, but I have lost a lot of weight this past year since I found out that I will need surgery. I know get a small pain in my lower ribcage. It pops when I take in a deep breath and expand my ribcage. It used to pop when I exhaled. I dont think that it's heart related. I am wondering if maybe you have lost some weight too and now your ribcage has shrunk? Sorry if that was a stupid comment. I hope you are feeling better soon, Scott
Have you consulted your primary care? If your cardio isn't very responsive to your issue, perhaps your Primary Doc may be more helpful. If you get no relief from him/her, I would return to cardio and be a bit assertive that you want this issue addressed. If there is pain, there is a reason.

Sorry you are experiencing this.
You may want to ask about a pectoral flap procedure in Canada I would need a referal from my Primary or General Practitioner (GP) top a plastic surgeon for a cunsultation I have no sternum I do have a double pectoral flap with a bit of diaphram as well all to protect my heart