Post MV Surgery Performance?

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2002
I’m curious about post-op performance of mitral valve replacement/repair patients. Anybody here really feel like they are performing as they did prior to the onset of their valve problems? Or experienced significant improvement over their pre-op performance? My doc is really pleased with my annual exams (normal heart size, no leaks, stable condition after 5 years, no activity restrictions), but I am back-of-the-pack any time I participate in an organized event. I am performing at the same diminished level I was at right before my surgery. (But I’m going longer and participating more, so overall happiness factor has increased.)

How are the rest of you doing? Better performance? Worse? About the same? Do you have -- and care to share -- any benchmarks?

Mine (times & speeds are best efforts):

  • Bacterial endocarditis December 97 – January 98
  • Mitral valve repair 2002 at > 40 YO
  • Enlarged heart, moderate to severe leak
  • VEF 45-50%
  • Resting HR 58
  • Approximate 5K times 30:00 – 31:00
  • Approximate 10K times 1:02:00 – 1:04:00

  • Normal heart dimensions, no leak (woo hoo!)
  • VEF 45-50%
  • Resting HR 78
  • Approximate 10K times 1:01:00 – 1:03:00
  • Approximate marathon times: 5:20:00 – 5:30:00
  • “Race” speed for 25 mile (40K) bike: 18 mph (29 kph)
  • Approximate flat century ride (100 miles / 160 km): 6:40:00
  • Approximate flat Oly-distance tri (1.5/40/10K): 2:58:00 – 3:05:00
  • Hilly half-iron tri: 7:45:00 – 8:15:00
  • Hilly Ironman: 16:00 +

Not sure how much this will help but it might at least a little. As you know, I've had an aortic valve replacement as opposed to mitral valve repair. I'm now almost 14 months post surgery and really started noticing a larger improvement at about 10 months. Until then everything seemed like a struggle and I was wearing out toward the end of every day. Since then I find I'm less tired at the end of the day and have more energy most of the time. I can only relate my pre-surgery to running (mostly) and swimming. I am still a long way from my pre-surgery running and am approaching my pre-surgery swimming times.

Aortic stenosis diagnosed Aug 2003
Valve replacement Oct 2005 age 67 YO
VEF (Don't know)
Resting HR 40
Approximate 5K time (Nov 2005) 27:00
Approximate 1/2 marathon times 1:55:00 ? 2:01:00
Approximate marathon times 3:55:00-4:20:00

Normal heart dimensions, no leak (woo hoo!)
VEF 60%
Resting HR 40
Approximate 5K times 30:57 (just last week on a tough course)
Approximate marathon times: 4:57:00 (one year one day post surgery)
Approximate 1/2 marathon 2:10:00 (June 2007)