Popping Sternum

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Jan 4, 2008

Not sure if I have posted in the correct area ? My husband had his second OHS in January.

He lives a active lifestyle and is back to weights and riding his bike etc etc.

We had the after surgery appointment and all was fine.
However every now and again his Sternum feels out of line and he pops it back into place ?! (by simply moving his head back a bit) It makes me want to puke.

Has anyone else experienced this ?, is it due to the fact he has had 2 OHS.

Thanks as always

Ella x:p

Not sure if I have posted in the correct area ? My husband had his second OHS in January.

He lives a active lifestyle and is back to weights and riding his bike etc etc.

We had the after surgery appointment and all was fine.
However every now and again his Sternum feels out of line and he pops it back into place ?! (by simply moving his head back a bit) It makes me want to puke.

Has anyone else experienced this ?, is it due to the fact he has had 2 OHS.

Thanks as always

Ella x:p

Not me....I had that "sensation" up to about 8 weeks post op.......If he had injured himself I think he would be in pain......if he is worried about it call the doctor....
I'm over 2 years post-op and my sternum sometimes "cracks".....the sensation and sound is like when you crack your knuckles or some other joint.
My sternum will "POP" very loudly at "un-requested" times. Just once in a while it will happen. It normally does not hurt but every so often it hurts pretty good.

But nothing I can do on demand. :) ;)