Point of Order-

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2005
Miami, FL. I'm not really sure what country this
I know somebody's going to call me a hard-ass, but as one of the two instigators of the TTS (Tawdry Shirt Tradition), I would like to suggest that SPSS's (Scar Pictures sans Shirt) not be posted in the TOOTS (The Order of the Tawdry Shirt) forum.

The idea of TOOTS was and is to promote general jocularity and hopeful hilarity among those in the waiting room as they look forward to the day when they, too, might assume the requisite Disco Pose and allow their own silliness to inspire others down the line that there is indeed life after AVR surgery.

I'm not diminishing the value or anyone's scar or scar pictures, but I do suggest either waiting for a shirt and posting the traditional photo here, or simply posting a SPSS in another forum.
I must say that I agree. We have one problem. Lack of shirts and I don't know what or why, but the post offices are taking forever to deliver the shirts that are out there. Maybe we can organize this a bit better and collect more shirts and get more in circulation? Not sure how'd we'd work it with the TOOTS catalog though. Open for suggestions!
There is a third shirt in the mail from me to Karen. There is still another shirt, but I don't want to create a glut on the market.

Is there one on the way to Adam? To where are the other shirts bound at this point?

We'll get a shirt to you Adam. Then you can post another photo, in flagrante ridiculo, and all will be forgiven.

Best wishes,
There is still another shirt. But I don't want to create a glut on the market.

Bob, how many of those shirts did you have!:eek: and dare I ask if you bought them yourself??:D
Yes, Phyllis. Tragically, I bought them all myself. We all have times in our lives that are best glossed over. Fortunately, I'll never have to worry about a tell-all biographer.

However, they were great for recovery. No harsh rubbing on healing tissue, very temperature-neutral. Lots of fun to look at in the mirror, right after popping your Tramadol...

Best wishes,
Bob, I shouldn't throw stones. Dick has never let me forget the leopard skin print silk shirt I owned the first year we were married. They are back in style now, but I wouldn't dare!:D
Phyllis said:
Bob, how many of those shirts did you have!:eek: and dare I ask if you bought them yourself??:D

Phyllis - why did you ask??? I'm thinking that this is something I really don't want to learn about Bob. I picture him as being a highly intelligent, highly intellectual and very classy kind of guy. Can't I keep my dreams???:( :(

Stretch - your avatar has Hard-ass written all over it - so no surprise. :D
I've given this thread some more thought. While I agree that the pics should stay for the order, this is the only forum not visible to the public so that anyone wishing to be foolish may do so without public ridicule or being picked off by google bots. Safe harbor if you will.
Maybe TOOTS could also stand for "The Order of the Tawdry Scar".;) :D ;) Then we could all send in our naked chest pictures.

Down - Ross.:)
May I request that a sticky be started and locked that will have one picture of each person that has submitted a picture in the tawdry shirt? Go ahead and start the threads with comments but I think it would be fun to be able to just go through and look at all the pictures. (Wow, I just reread that, how warped is it that it's fun to look at people showing off scars in disco poses.)

Sorry Ross, don't want to make more work for you but maybe one of the heavy forum users could maintain that piece like Karlynn or Mary. Not that I am volunteering them either. :rolleyes: :D
mntbiker said:
May I request that a sticky be started and locked that will have one picture of each person that has submitted a picture in the tawdry shirt? Go ahead and start the threads with comments but I think it would be fun to be able to just go through and look at all the pictures. (Wow, I just reread that, how warped is it that it's fun to look at people showing off scars in disco poses.)

Sorry Ross, don't want to make more work for you but maybe one of the heavy forum users could maintain that piece like Karlynn or Mary. Not that I am volunteering them either. :rolleyes: :D

I could store the photos on my photobucket server site, if you want to try this Ross. We could do an album of just pictures.
Lets give it time to see what we have in the way of participations to see if it's warranted.
i would love to participate in that photo album. scars are hot, and the help us remember what keeps us going. more posting please. mike:D