PLEASE: Metformin help

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Active member
Jan 29, 2012
Arizona, US

I hope you all are doing well.

I haven't been on for quite awhile, but I still have so much gratitude for all of you for getting me through that very,, very tough 1st month with my husband's surgery.

This question really has more to do with me and I did do a search and couldn't find it.

I remember people talking about Metformin.

I just started taking it 3 days ago and I am experiencing the worst stomach cramps, gastrointestimal problems.

Have you taken this medicine and what has been your experience on it?

Thanks in advance,
Metformin is one of the most successful drugs for treating type 2 diabetes. I have been taking it for the past 8 years, with dosages gradually increased to the point they are now at the max. I have had no unpleasant side effects that I am aware of, and my blood sugar is under reasonably good control. (6.4 A1C at most recent testing). I also take Januvia, which works in combination with metformin.

So all that is my experience. That said, side effects are possible, as they are with any other medication. I suggest calling your doctor right away and reporting what might be a reaction (or might be something else) - in any event let him know. There are alternative type 2 meds if this one does not agree with you.

Best wishes!

PS: since you mentioned gastric problems, you might find this helpful:

And this....(which mentions it might take a month to get squared away with taking metformin)....

Again, all best to you....
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I hope you all are doing well.

I haven't been on for quite awhile, but I still have so much gratitude for all of you for getting me through that very,, very tough 1st month with my husband's surgery.

This question really has more to do with me and I did do a search and couldn't find it.

I remember people talking about Metformin.

I just started taking it 3 days ago and I am experiencing the worst stomach cramps, gastrointestimal problems.

Have you taken this medicine and what has been your experience on it?

Thanks in advance,

Hey Tovah,

I'm a fourth year medical student. Upset stomach, diarrhea, etc is a very common side effect of metformin when you initially start the drug. It will go away within a few weeks. We usually start people on the low dose of metformin and then slowly raise it over the following weeks to reduce the common uncomfortable GI side effect. It will pass. Metformin is a great drug and the first line treatment for type 2 diabetics not requiring insulin yet. It will help get you glucose under control and possibly even lose some weight. If you GI upset is unbearable call you doctor and maybe he'll have you cut your dose for a few days and then titrate you back up.

Good luck!
I just started taking it 3 days ago and I am experiencing the worst stomach cramps, gastrointestimal problems.
Metformin is notorious for causing GI distress, especially diarrhea, and this is usually easily eliminated by taking the extended-release version. Call your doc and ask for an Rx; it should solve your problem. I had diarrhea so bad, there was no way I could wait a few weeks for it to get better. Sorry, RB, but that's just cruumy advice when the extended-release metformin eliminates it. For many, it's not just the inconvenience of having diarrhea, but wondering if you'll even be able to make it to a bathroom in time.

Tovah, you may also want to join a diabetes forum for more info and questions that might come up; there are quite a few of them.
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Here is my experience...I have Aortic Stenosis (awaiting surgery in the next few weeks) and in March I started taking Metformin (1000mg twice a day), and also Glicazide, (160 mg twice a day), for type 2 diabetes. I didn't suffer any side effects. 3 weeks ago, my breathlessness from the aortic stenosis was getting worse, and I found myself struggling for breath at night. I'd wake at 1 or 2 am and not get back to sleep. I saw the GP, who put me on Furosemide, 40mg daily. This is supposed to reduce fluid build up. My breathlessness at night seemed to improve...but then, after a week or so, I started getting SEVERE stomach cramps. This kept me awake at night instead! I'm seeing the GP today. Maybe it is the combination of meds thats the problem, or maybe the furosemide is the one. I'd see your doctor about it. They might change the dose or the medication. I was told that if I lose weight (BMI is 32, so slightly obese) then I might be able to reduce or stop the Metformin & Glicazide. But I've been trying to lose weight for 20 years! Good luck.
Nice to hear from you, Tovah, but sorry you are experiencing side effects from Metformin. Hopefully, they will subside as suggested above.

I've thought of you and your DH and wondered how he is doing?
He (and you) had such a hard time after his surgery, I hope he has recovered well.

Best Wishes.