pins & needles?

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2008
UK, Derbyshire
Hi all, hope everyone's doing ok? Sorry I've not been around much of late - we've been in Spain with limited net access but it was so worth it ;)

However, since returning, I've found I'm getting an increase of symptoms - fatigue, breathlessness, palpitations etc - so I'll be going to see my cardiologist next week but I've been experiencing a new thing; pins and needles in both arms but especially the left arm when I'm lying in bed.

But, I also have problems with my shoulders and about 3 years ago, I had an impingement repair and calcific deposits removed from the right shoulder. I now have the same problem in the left shoulder and am seeing the surgeon next week.

What I don't know is whether the pins and needles are something to do with my heart or the shoulder problem so I thought I'd ask you nice folks if you've experienced something like that?

Thanks in advance everyone

Lynn, you don't sound so good. I have pins and needles where the angiogram was done last July, but other than that, no. Women are so different from men (so I read) that pins and needles feeling can definitely be related to your heart. Hope you find some good answers with your cardio.
Hi Colleen and Ross, thanks so much for your replies. Ross, I'm taking Ramipril, Bisoprolol, Simvastatin, Lansaprosole, Ropinerole and when I feel I need it, Furosemide.

I'll look up peripheral neuropathy now :)

Thanks again guys

Hi Lynn,good to hear from you,but not the reason for. I have peripheral
neuropathy in hands and feet that comes and goes,it gets worse when I'm
taking a beta blocker and at times for who knows why. But it if its a new
symptom for you and you are not taking any new drugs or have an increase
in any of your meds it might be worth checking out. I have been having some
worsening of symptoms too and have a cardio appt you can do it too;)
Wishing you the best-Dina
My pins and needles are related to circulatory difficulties, right along with cold hands and feet. Of course nerve problems would explain it, as well, but is it most likely to effect both arms? I'm just asking here, I don't know.

Take Heart,
Hi everyone, thanks so much for taking the time to reply and good luck Dina! I spoke to my GP this morning and he's arranging for me to see my cardio so I'll hope to get some answers then.

I've not had any increase or change in meds at all for ages so I guess it's not that...

Hopefully a new scan may show up some reason but I'll keep you posted as to what the doc says when I see him.

Thanks again everyone,
Another possibility for the "pins and needles" feeling in the arms / hands is a Nerve Issue, perhaps in the neck/back, especially if they go away by changing position.
For a while before and shortly after my surgery, I had occasional pins & needles in my left arm. It would start at the tip of my little finger, work its way up that finger and spread into the other fingers and my hand and then up to my shoulder. The doctor thought it was some kind of nerve issue, but it hasn't happened since about 6-8 weeks after my surgery, so I think it was related to my heart. However, it wasn't while I was sleeping and I wasn't putting any pressure on my arm or shoulder, so I'm not sure if it's the same thing.
I get occasional pins and needles in both my arms at the same time. For me it isn't heart related but more nerve related. A couple of the vertebrae between my shoulders cause me problems if I happen to lay in a specific spot. So I would get it checked out by your cardio and maybe a neurologist just to be sure. Best Wishes to you.:)
Hi all, thanks so much for all your replies. I think judging by everyone's experiences overall, it sounds more like a nerve issue but I will mention it to the cardiologist and see what he has to say.

Thanks again for all your kind replies,