Phlegm medication issue?

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gaz holt

New member
Dec 19, 2010
England UK
Hi All,

I have had a mechanical aortic valve fitted 18 months ago, all is good and i self monitor & self medicate warfarin. The medication i have had for a long time are Ramipril for years prior to surgery.

approx 1 year ago i have developed a phlegm cough from about mid neck position, is the a side effect from bisoprolol or warfarin?

thanks in advance
Interesting. I too have the cough. Mechanical valve 9 months ago. On warfarin now. Stopped metroprolol 2 months ago due to dry cough. BP is normal now so do not need it.

I see Cardiologist on Tuesday this week and will ask and report back.
Went to see cardiologist yesterday. I mentioned I had a cough that came with some phlegm. He said there was nothing involving the valve or the meds I was on that would cause it. He said if it bothered me any more, I should check with general doctor. I have had allergies in the past and my eyes have been watering a bit more latley. So, I am going to hold off calling GP and see how it goes for a few more weeks.
Dwhist, do not put off going to gp, get that cough taken of asap. If you have a history of allergies, it is probalbly the culprit. Gazholt, you also need to have your cough checked into. Both of you need to remember, infection is no fun and that this could lead to infection. So you both better get the coughs checked. This is my mother side talking. You need to take care of yourselves, you do not want to develop encarditis. Go to doctor asap, okay! Hugs for today.
So far the cough has been gone for the last week and I have been doing great. Will be seeing doc soon anyways and will mention it, but do not feel it is out of hand at this point. Thanks for caring.