Pericarditis-Update Otherwise known as If it ain't one thing it's another.

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
My cardiologist just called me :eek:, (you know that can't be good). But he actually called to see how the NSAID treatment was going for my pericarditis, (it's 7 days on them). I told him that the pain somewhat better, but gets worse at night and now is on both left and right sides of my chest, so he said another 7 days of NSAIDS, and just to make me feel better, he also told me that my bloodwork shows that I have hypothyroidism:confused: and he needed to speak to my GP to get me on treatments, for the rest of my life.

Upside is I have a real excuse and to why my diets don't work.....:D

Crazy Silver lining..I read the meds make you lose weight.....
Hi Star,

I always look at the crap as a learning experience. I am convinced I could breeze through medical school at this point. However, knowing all the times I have called my doctors at weird hours makes me realize I wouldn't want to be a doctor.;):rolleyes::D

I have had pericarditis so many times I have lost count. NSAIDs have never worked for me - only Medrol. If things don't really improve, you might want to talk to your doctor about it. I get total relief in about 5 days with Medrol.

Hope the thyroid meds help with the weight loss. I don't want another problem but I wish I could blame my weight issue on something besides the good life.:D;)
.....and I'm the opposite of Gina. Medrol/Prednisone worked only as long as I was taking it. When I quit taking, the pain would come back. Vioxx, then Mobic or Celebrex is what worked for me. So, if the NSAIDs don't work, try Gina's method, but hopefully you won't have to because Medrol is YUCK!
Hi, Gina and Lisa,
When you had the pericarditis, did you think you were having a heart attack? Today was really bad, I thought I was having a heart attack, so instead of running to the hospital ER, I took my normal meds, which include aspirin, lopressor, protonix, Xanex...then the Naproxen 500 mg and a Vicoden and a lasix (just in case) because the pain was soooo bad, cant' lay down or bend over. Well, now it's finally subsided. I still have 2 more days on the NSAIDs, and will call my cardiologist and tell him this. I just wanted to know how bad can this pain get? The pain is now on left and right side of my scar near my breasts, but not in the center of my chest .I was going to try to go back to work on a limited basis in Oct, now I feel like I'm back to square one... I can hardly sleep .......Sorry for the rambling but I am sort of "overmedicated".....
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Yes, the pain can be that bad. My pain was in different places, depending on the position I was in, but I'd say under my collar bones, my shoulder blades, and my left arm were the worse. If I was in bed, the elephant on my chest was bad.

What NSAID are you taking? I am concerned that you are taking aspirin and Naproxen, especially if you are taking another similar drug. Frankly, I'm not sure I would wait 2 days if the pain hasn't subsided and seems to have gotten worse. You could have a major buildup of fluid and that's dangerous. You have been more than patient, but I personally would recommend going to the ER. Mine started at 8 weeks, right when I went back to work, and it was very difficult, although doable. If you can afford to take off, you might want to consider it, although my opinion was that I was no worse off at work than at home, so might as well go.

Good luck getting rid of this. I'll be thinking of you.
Thanks Lisa,
I am taking Naproxen 1000 mg a day (prescribed by cardiologist) he knows I am on aspirin and taking a vicoden for the pain once in a while, but he told me to stay on Naproxen for the duration of the script. He said that sometimes it takes longer than 14 days to feel better. I am on protonix also for the past 5 or so years, he did not see a problem, with my stomach or bleeding. If the pain gets's not that bad now, (the vicoden helped) I'm already getting my papers ready for the ER in case I have to go later.....
Thanks much!
Yes, the pain can be that bad. My pain was in different places, depending on the position I was in, but I'd say under my collar bones, my shoulder blades, and my left arm were the worse. If I was in bed, the elephant on my chest was bad.

What NSAID are you taking? I am concerned that you are taking aspirin and Naproxen, especially if you are taking another similar drug. Frankly, I'm not sure I would wait 2 days if the pain hasn't subsided and seems to have gotten worse. You could have a major buildup of fluid and that's dangerous. You have been more than patient, but I personally would recommend going to the ER. Mine started at 8 weeks, right when I went back to work, and it was very difficult, although doable. If you can afford to take off, you might want to consider it, although my opinion was that I was no worse off at work than at home, so might as well go.

Good luck getting rid of this. I'll be thinking of you.

I agree with Lisa, if it is getting worse, I would go to the ER or at least call your doctor. IF alot fluid is building up the sooner it gets caught the better. When Justin was a toddler and couldn't tell us it was getting worse, When he would point to something on the floor for me to get, instead of bending over and picking it up himself, I knew he needed to be seen again.
Well, took your advice, went to the ER Saturday, was admitted and just returned home a few hours ago.
Summery: All my parts, heart and valves are working and no heart attack. They put me on 800mg Ibuprofen and Colchicine 2x a day for the next 3 weeks and have to follow up with my cardiologist in 2 weeks. Feeling a little better, still some water left around my heart and lots of pain , but not nearly as bad at it was...When my cardio thoracic surgery team found out I was back in, they were all over me with the cardiology doctors...felt good to have all that attention....and a private room overlooking Central Park, not too is my HMO hating me....;)
Thanks again for your advice!!!!
lol....thanks...a room with a view, the best restaurants all around me, and I get mystery meat for dinner...I asked for a take out got their special "Heart Healthy" diet menu..Upside is I got hit on by a junkie and a jailbird in the emergency room...I guess at 56 I'm still a nut gotta love NY...:)


It's a good thing you went to the emergency room! Sounds like you had effusion?? I had that one week after the surgery. The Dr performed a Pericardial window. The only thing my cardiologist says works is the prednisone, for the pericarditis. They tried everything with me. It is the only thing that gave me relief. I am still on a very low dose 5mg daily. The dr. does not have a problem with me taking this medicine for the rest of my, if need be. I really have not gained any weight, or have any side effects. I have been on it for 18 mos. My cardio seems to think I will eventually get over it. He's says it is from the surgery, and it can take a couple of years to be completely rid of it. Yes, the pain was horrible! It was worse than the pain directly related to the surgery itself! For me that was the worst thing about AVR.

So sorry you are going through this! Please keep us posted. If I can help in any way, or you have any questions, don' hesitate to ask.
I really hate to add to your troubles, but I have been on the thyroid meds for hyperthoroidism for weeks now..(since my surgery) and I haven't lost an ounce! One thing I have noticed is my skin and hair aren't as dry and my nails are growing so long I am having typos!

Did you know that your thyroid being out of whack can cause you to have PVCs and PACs....the meds help to keep your heart in rhythm so if like me, you have had a problem with this...they do help!

I have not been given meds yet for the Hypothyriodism yet....had this other probelm to take care of first.
I did not know about the PVCs and PACs....but if the meds will prevent that, then it's just another pill I have to take...good to know
Thanks for the info...:)
I have not been given meds yet for the Hypothyriodism yet....had this other probelm to take care of first.
I did not know about the PVCs and PACs....but if the meds will prevent that, then it's just another pill I have to take...good to know
Thanks for the info...:)

I really hate to add to your troubles, but I have been on the thyroid meds for hyperthoroidism for weeks now..(since my surgery) and I haven't lost an ounce! One thing I have noticed is my skin and hair aren't as dry and my nails are growing so long I am having typos!

Did you know that your thyroid being out of whack can cause you to have PVCs and PACs....the meds help to keep your heart in rhythm so if like me, you have had a problem with this...they do help!


I just noticed that Mileena is talking about HYPERthyroidism while Star54 is talking about HYPOthyroidism. I have HYPOthyroidism which is an underactive thyroid and I take Synthroid for it. It is HYPERthyroidism that sometimes causes palpitations (as well as taking too much Synthroid which would then cause HYPERthryroidism).