Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation

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Christina L

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2003
Estes Park, Colorado
Hey all - again thanks very much for the encouraging words regarding my recent thread. I am so grateful for you all and this forum.

I have an echocardiogram scheduled for next Wednesday and the week after that will see my cardiologist.

I have self-diagnosed myself with PAF (paroxysmal atrial fibrillation). I will have short runs of AF that go away after say 5-10 minutes. I have had 3 of these episodes in the last 1-1/2 weeks. Of course I hope and pray that my diagnosis is not correct, but I have had experience with AF before after my surgery 6 years ago.

Wondering if any of you have PAF and how long you have had it. From what I have read, PAF seems to turn into constant atrial fibrillation eventually. Is that true? Just the short runs of PAF I have had, leave me very tired and with a dizzy feeling. My pulse is not rapid and I am one of those who can feel every single heartbeat. It feels as if my heart is fluttering albeit slowly. When I had AF 2 weeks after my surgery, they told me I was in a slow pattern of AF for which I was cardioverted (because that time the AF did not go away on its own) and never had it again until now.

P.S. I have been plagued with PACs for years and years that have come and gone and I have gotten used to.

Thanks for your help.

Christina L
Inevitable A-Fib?

Inevitable A-Fib?

is atrial fibrillation inevitable in people with valve disease??? From what I am reading on the internet, it is. :(

How many here have a-fib and can it be lived with?

Adrienne, I know you had the MAZE procedure during surgery - did it work for you?

Christina L
Hi Christina,

I had PAF for many years before my valve surgery in 2006. I had the Maze procedure done during the operation, and it worked for about 2 years. Then I started getting short bursts of AF again last year (last a few minutes then stop), and two longer episodes about a month apart, both of which required hospital admission and DC cardioversion.
I am on Sotalol again now (took it for years before my surgery) and mostly I am staying in sinus rhythm, however almost every day I still get very brief runs of AF/Flutter.
I don't know what else to do other then just live with it at this stage? What I do know is that when I get a severe episode and have to be admitted to hospital, it is very disruptive - my work, kids etc are affected. I loathe going into hospital - don't get me wrong, the nurses and doctors are all very good, but I have had enough of the place!:mad:

Has anyone out there had ablation for AF, after having had a valve replacement with a mechanical valve, I wonder? And if so, has it been a permanent solution?

I wish you luck Christina, and hope you can get it sorted.
is atrial fibrillation inevitable in people with valve disease??? From what I am reading on the internet, it is. :(

How many here have a-fib and can it be lived with?

Adrienne, I know you had the MAZE procedure during surgery - did it work for you?

Christina L

Knock on wood a million times - yes, it worked for me!:) I have to say that my a-fib was because my atrium had become so dilated, and who knows, but maybe it would have gone away just having the valve repair since the atrium got smaller (not as small as I would like it). In any case, my surgeon told me that the MAZE procedure works 70% of the time long-term.
Christina, not all valve patients end up with atrial fib. If that was true the demand for biological valves would be much much less than it is now.

I still have episodes of atrial fib but they are very brief. A few months back it was much worse and didn't convert back on it's own. It turned out my magnesium level was low. My meds were changed around and now I'm back to what is normal for me. Sometimes it doesn't take much to fix things up. My surgery was quite close to yours. My MVR was in August 2003. You might be right with your self-diagnosis but you probably won't know unless you wear a halter monitor and it catches it or if you go in for an EKG during an episode.

I know it is hard to wait but try to relax as best you can.
Christina, I too have had PAF since 2002 when I had a cancerous kidney removed. In 2005 when I had my mitral valve repaired at Cleveland clinic I had a mini maze and it didn't last but a very short time. My EP did two cardioversions which didn't last.

When I had the surgery in 2002 I was put on Amioderone which started to show liver problems after 2 yrs or so and I just complained til the doc took me off it, saying, "It's not doing you any good anyway!" Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!

When Betty had a threat on the good effects of magnesium on the heart I added a small dose to my meds and it has helped some. I get all the symptoms that have been described but I just relax til it goes away and have been able to live with it.

Blessings, Barb
hi christina,
i'm sorry to hear you have been so anxious about your heart/health lately.
i can't say that you are unusual in this area; i imagine many of you valvers do (i know joey does).
joey went into afib 4 days after his surgery. he had had several bouts with afib presurgery and was taking sotalol preventatively before his surgery.
when he went into afib after surgery, a bolus of sotalol did not get him back into sinus rhythm and so they gave him magnesium and started him on amiodarone. the amiodarone has kept in out of afib and he takes a scant dose.
each time he tries to wean off the amio, however, he goes into afib. we are dealing with this now. he will have it for several hours and exercise or do push ups and come out of afib. he just made an appointment with a set of drs at the arrhythmia center at montefiore hospital in the bronx, ny on his cardios recommendation (he's seen one of them twice before). we'll see what they have to say. last time they told him that he was on such a small dose of the amio that they preferred he be on that than doing any procedures.
in any case, it is so disconcerting, i know. joey, like you, feels every beat of his heart. his pulse does not race when he is in afib. in fact, his cardio is surprised that he can tell when he is in afib, but he's accurate.
are you taking anything to keep you in sinus rhythm? once they assess that you are in afib (even short term) maybe they will give you something for the events.
i hope all is well other than this. please let us know when you hear more.
how is your little doll? you must be enjoying her so much. i'm thrilled for you. you are as lucky to have her as she is to have you!
be well,
I had it before my AVR but also had the ablation during surgery ... went into afib once a week after surgery was converted and none since ... almost 4 years now....


I had PAF off and on about twice a year from 2002 until my AVR in August of 08. I went into a-fib 2nd day after surgery. They put me on amiodarone for a few days, and it went away. I have since been in a-fib 3 different times since, my last in Sept of 09. My cardio put me on the new drug Multaq, in Sept, and I haven't had a problem yet. I'm surprised more Drs. aren't prescribing this great drug. It is amiodarone without the iodine, and is very effective in the control of a-fib. It is expensive if you don't have the good insurance. Even with my "Cadillac Plan" it is a $30 co-pay, but well worth the expense. Effective with no side affects! :)
I would like to try Multaq but it's not available in NZ yet.
I found Amiodarone to be very effective, but did not like the side effects so now am back on Sotalol.
My GP says that Multaq should be available here reasonably soon. Here's hoping!
Several of our members have had good results with SOTALOL controlling their A-Fib. It may take a week or so be become fully effective. Note that the manufacturer recommends being hospitalized for a few days until your body 'adjusts' to Sotalol because of the possibility of dangerous arrhythmias during the adjustment period.

'AL C'
No info here, but..........

No info here, but..........

just wanted to add my prayers that this turns out to be nothing more than a bump in the road. Sending lots of hugs. Janet P.S. YOur little Emma is getting so big. She is adorable!
Everyone -

Everyone -

thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. I leave to have my echocardiogram in a few hours. I have been on the internet just too much and majorly depressed. All I read says that AF just gets worse over time until it is chronic but I did read that it most certainly is curable and you have to keep trying everything and do it as soon as you find out you have PAF - you have a better chance of cure. I am scared, I am angry in a way, I am wondering why God brought Emma to us when possibly (possibly) I could have a rough go over the next 20 years.

Sylvia - you are so sweet - thank you - I will be anxious to hear about Joey and the EP doctor visit. Has his AF gotten worse over the years? Does he live with his AF okay?

I know it is all in attitude and I have to realize that with all the posts here and lab guides very young daughter going through a rough time, that my life up to age 44 was relatively a walk in the park. I did have tachycardia in my 20s for which I was on Tenormin but that went away and I have been on no heart medications since that time. I have to count my blessings also, but it is very hard right now with my worry about Emma and what the future is going to bring for all of us.

I will not speak with the cardio until next week and I hope I will have relatively good news to share with you all. I will also be talking to my PCP regarding being put on an antidepressant.

Thanks everyone so much -

Christina L