Pacemakers and Microwave.........

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2005
I was just listening to Dr. Rosenfeld on Fox News this morning and I think I heard them say people with pacemakers need to stay away from microwaves? Is this true? I never heard that before.

(I don't have or need a pacemaker but this really caught my attention.)

That used to be true with the MUCH older pacers, but not the newer ones (going back as far as 98 when Justin got his they were ok
My husband just got a pacemaker in May. In the written instructions he was given, microwave ovens are fine. I think the original microwave ovens from many years ago were a problem (for the population in general), but not now.
Thanks. I was interested as I'd never heard that before.
Before I developed my own heart issues, I never listened to much heart 'education'. My father, his father and his father ahead of him all had serious heart conditions and I think I buried my head in the sand a bit. You know........ ignore it and it will go away. :)
Here's a good pdf about pacemakers and what you can and can't do and some things you should try like 6-12 inches or even 2 feet away from your pacemaker
part of the reason newer pacers are ok w/ microwaves, is because they (the pacer) have a shield built in to protect them .
When Justin first got his (he was 10) they told him he could use/be in the same room as a microwave (alot of places have big warning signs next to the microwaves, for pacemakers) The things you shouldn't do, or at least stay a certain distance from, (like chain saws or welding) always kind of surprised me

Its kind of a shame they are giving out wrong info and probably making people nervous.