Pacemaker and playing softball

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Aug 18, 2009
I have a question about playing softball with a pacemaker. I just had one put in along with a mechanical valve 3 weeks ago?
This probably needs to be moved to the Active Lifestyles forum.

Perhaps someone there may have some info.

BTW, when I went through security Sunday at the Ontario (California) airport, man behind me told TSA agent that he had a pacemaker. They took him aside for handwanding, etc.
I've seen many people with joint replacements go through security, but this was the first passenger with a pacemaker going through the line with me.
Recommend you pose the question on Folks get pacemakers for lots of different reasons, and the folks at are much more familiar with living with pacemakers and their constraints, limitations, etc. Given the limited information you have provided I would say go ahead and play ball, but that may not be the right recommendation in your case. You're going to have to provide more information on the reason why you got a pacemaker in the first place, what make and model you have, what your physical condition is, etc. Another person you could check with is your cardiologist, they should be familiar with your situation.
You might want to wear some sort of hard protection over the pacemaker in case of a stray softball. I know they make them for kids with pacers, 'cause a neighbor just bought one for her daughter who's playing soccer. In this case it's covering the entire chest and abdomen, 'cause hers is abdominal with external wires to sticky chest attachments. Later this year she gets the totally internal model. Anyway, mom said it cost about $40.

Other than that, check with your doctor on activity restrictions, if any, once you recover from surgery.
Justin played baseball with his, with his Docs OK, BUT his was in his abdomen under his ribs, not right on the surface. I think the concern is mainly about fracturing the leads, especially if you are completely dependent on it. He wore a small protector that coverred the area, he was a catcher, (which had me a little nervous). He also played soccer and basketball and skateboarded when he had it.
He wasn't on any meds at the time

I forgot to add, I do think you should ask Your doc tho.