Our drug companies and the FDA

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2009
Our government has been involve in several scandals over medical "trials and experiments." One of the more famous is the Tuskegee syphilis experiment. This was where a government sponsored research team took 399 African American men who had syphilis and told the they had a blood disorder and did not treat them for syphilis to watch the progression of the syphilis. There are several others like this. The way the FDA operates is not much better. We set up clinical trials to test new treatments. Often these drugs or procedures have already been tested and proven in other countries. The so called scientific method sets up 2 groups those that get the real meds or procedure and those that do not. These are almost always done on the sickness folks with no other hope yet we only give the drug or procedure to half. This is cruel and IMO no better than what we did to those in the Tuskegee.If it is for the common cold or some minor thing it might be OK. However, these are folks that are going (in most cases ) die and the trial gives them hope. If one has stage 3 or 4 lung cancer we know from experience the mortality rate. We don't need a "control group". This is done not to have good science or help the helpless but IMO to help the drug company sell in many cases near worthless drugs. See if the folks getting the treatment live a few months longer than those that don't it is declared a success. Then we have know cures like adult stem cells from your own body that has proven to cure arthritis . It is standard procedure by vets for dogs, horses etc. It is also proven effective in other counties on humans and is becoming standard care. Yet we haven't even started trials in the US. Why? I believe because it would make to many drugs useless and put to many orthopedic surgeons out of work. I have ranted long enough but we need a better system for medical research in the US.
They even did a movie on the above "experiment". I think it was called "Miss Sadie's boys". Real good/sad.
Transplanting a fatal cancer from daughter to mother, releasing nerve gas in small amounts on public street to see the effect, telling folks in the midwest they needed iodine in salt to prevent thyrode cancer when the real cause was fall out from open air tests of the nuclear bombs. Just to name a few. Don't think I want these folks in charge of my healthcare.
While I don't want the government in charge of my healthcare, I do want them in charge of the testing of drugs. Experience has shown that jumping to use the latest and greatest too quickly can have devastating effects. Look at the history of Thalidomide where the FDA blocked approval. Doctors were given samples from the drug company with the "warning" that it was still under investigation, but it was touted as a miracle drug. Fortunately, because not too many people took it here, the damages were minimal (a handful of thalidomide babies compared to thousands in Europe). Almost forty years after it was taken off the market throughout the world, it has been approved in the US for limited use (leprosy and later myeloma) with extremely tight controls and warnings about use in pregnancy. Fen-phen is another one that many on this site wish had never been approved, along with another diet drug, Redux.

In good scientific research, there must always be a control group. However, in most recent cases, especially cancer treatment, the control group will get the current acceptable treatment if there is one (not no treatment) while the other group gets the experimental treatment. Look at the notes on here about how the On-X valve is being tested.

There is corruption in all industries, even churches, so there must be some sort of process to try to prevent it. I once worked with the Institutional Review Board at a Houston hospital. These IRBs came about because of the abuses in the Tuskegee study. The study began with valid reasons, but once Penicillin was established as an effective treatment, it veered into a question of ethics.
Corruption is found in all branches of the Government, FDA included. I'm having a hard time with people not paying attention to what these alleged representatives are doing right under their noses.