Op tomorrow

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Active member
Aug 10, 2011
London Stoneleigh
Hi people
Well now my op is tomorrow afternoon. Just like to say reading and posting on this site has been a great help to me over the last 3 years.

Hope after I have my new mechanical tricuspid valve I feel better than I do now.

Thank you

Thanks Aqian, This is so new to me. Reading how excited and nervous people are about their surgery is reasurring that one day I too will be in the same boat.
Its still all a bit of a shock to me. I have started displaying symptoms. I was diagnosed last Oct. and it came as a big shock. Thought I was just getting old. Legacy from radiotherapy for Hodgkin's Lymphoma 25yrs ago which caused the calcification of my valve.
I am now severe. Set to go for an angiogram next week as I am experiencing chest and left arm pain. I don't know how people can be in "the waiting room" for 6 years. I suppose its like a pregnancy. You know its going to happen but you just cant pinpoint the exact time.