Online Life Expectancy Calculator

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I got 88 also but that sounds pretty good to me right now. Have a few things to work on but I already knew that.:rolleyes: :eek: :D
There were a few questions I had to guess on. Also, since it said to put a zip code (only U.S.), I put the zip code where I used to live when I lived in the States.

In any case, you're not going to believe it, but it said I'm going to live to 100!:D or should I put :( . I guess it depends on what shape I'm in at that time!
85....surprised that is was that high. Some of the questions don't seem to have a "perfect" answer, so the result is relative to the question list. Based on my family history, 85 sounds very long it's a healthy 85.
Adrienne said:
Also, since it said to put a zip code (only U.S.), I put the zip code where I used to live when I lived in the States.

I wonder what would have happened if you'd put your Canadian postal code?

I suspect that living in Canada or just about any other developed country would give you a few years than we US citizens, as due to our lack of gun control laws we're more likely than you to die from violent crime.
tommy said:
Mary, LOL are you dubious, or are the results? :confused: :D

I would have to be extraordinarily optimistic to believe I'll reach 94. I think I'm riding the results based on the years of clean living-;) :p :D I did. Right now I'm shooting for my next birthday!:p :p
Originally Posted by Stretch
I wonder what would have happened if you'd put your Canadian postal code?

I suspect that living in Canada or just about any other developed country would give you a few years than we US citizens, as due to our lack of gun control laws we're more likely than you to die from violent crime.

I tried to put in my Canadian postal code and it wouldn't accept it. So I put in a zip code at random but avoided using a big U.S. city for the very reason you suggest (I used to live in Windsor Ontario right across the border from Detroit, and the evening news between Detroit and Windsor was apples to oranges comparison).
87, but I think our #'s are all pretty scewed because there's not valve trouble mentioned.:(
Well it looks like I'm going to live past my current age. My score was 86. My oldest bro is 88, my oldest living sis is 85 and my mom died at 102.
Well, I wonder what went wrong with mine. It says 78. That is only 37 more years for me. I was a smoker until the night before my surgery. (30 days ago) maybe that is what caused my younger age. :mad:
I'm also going to live to be 94. Somebody should tell that to the Health & Life insurance companies that won't talk to me. Funny, the survey didn't ask about major surgeries, time spent in the hospital, current medications, valve replacement or various other factors that affect most of us.

I'll take 94 & as soon as my wife gets home this evening, we're off to the YMCA because I'm training for ... the next 41 years.
