One Year and counting

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Johnny Stephens

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2002
Seattle, WA
Wow, I can hardly believe it. A year ago today, April 15, 2002, I checked into University of Washingon Medical Center for my pre-op procedures - namely, a cardiac catheterization. Versed and other drugs administered in the following days have blanked most of the next 2 weeks from my memory, but suffice it to say that I had a major pulmonary setback immediately after surgery. The anticipated 4-day hospital stay stretched into 15. By all accounts I am clearly lucky to be here.

My life has been effected in little ways. I see the Anticoagulation clinic once a month. I have to remember to take my Coumadin with me when I go on a trip. I sometimes have to explain to an embarassed co-worker that "no, that's not my watch ticking." I find myself looking for "Vitamin K" on food labels.

But I'm alive.

I had my 1-year checkup on Friday, and I was excited to hear my cardio say how happy he was to see me doing well. I came away with a great prognosis. The valves sound great, nice and crisp, and I was sent away with orders to come back in a year!

I apologize if this all comes across as too melodramatic, but this is a really big event in anyone's life. I want to thank all of you here for being there when I needed someone to listen. What a GREAT place this is! :D
Congratulations Johnny!

April 15th is your anniversary, eh? Is that because you planned to have a taxing day? :D As another person who had a close call with surgery, I know about the drama involved, and there is no reason for you to apologize!

Johnny, you came through this with your wonderful sense of humor intact, plus you are still "lovely and talented"...what more could a guy want? In spite of the challenges of the last year, you now have a long healthful future ahead of you. Picked any new challenges or hobbies?

I am really happy for you, and wishing you many many more anniversaries!

Congratulations Johnny

The first year seems to fly by does it not? I don't think I'd worry about being melodramatic. Us close call guys have an inherent right to be in my opinion. We faced things that we never thought possible and are still here to talk about it. Miracles they say!

I'm happy for you and proud to have the opportunity to talk with you also. I hope that you have many worry free years ahead with the double clickers. :)
We remember it well, Johnny. Can't believe it's a whole year already. Happy first birthday - it's an important one, mentally, for all of us. Kinda lets you take a sigh of relief. We made it!!!!!! Now we are going to be ok.
Way to go, Johnny

Way to go, Johnny

Congratulations on your first anniversary. Sure is nice to look at it from this end instead of the other, huh? You guys are certainly a big help for us who are still wobbling around after surgery. Your sharing of your knowledge and experiences makes us quicker studies and much more confident patients. Thanks and again, congrats.
Congrats Johnny!
It's great hearing wonderful news. I'm so very happy to hear that everything is going really well. Like others have said, there is no reason to apologize for being melodramatic. I think we all are entitled. I wish you many many more years of good health.

Take Care!