On-x vs St Jude

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I had my aortic valve replaced with a Onx valve on August 15th of 2011 and everything has gone better than expected. It's not just the pure carbon coating on the valve that makes it different. The primary benefit of the valve is the way the blood flows through the leaflets that mimicks the normal human pattern of blood flow. I can make a more detailed reply later on but on my visit to the cardiologist in December he said he had never seen results that good from a mechanical valve regarding the blood flow patterns.

It's also critical for a doctor to understand how to put the valve in because of the height. There hasn't been one instance of panice (panice might be mis-spelled) growth with the Onx valve that I'm aware of and that has to do with the height of the valve.

I am more than pleased with the results of my surgery.

If you have any detailed questions I'll be happy to answer any that I can.

Hi Jarno,

What a bummer to hear that you have to have surgery again. Did they give you an explanation why your tissue valve wore out so soon? I need a new BAV and have been looking at On-X valve too. I am 57, I don't ever want to do another surgery so I want a mechanical valve. It is good you are checking things out. I wish I had more information for you. Go with what feels right to you. Let us know what you decide. My best to you.
Thanks again for the replies.

I really would prefer the On-x just as I really preferred the tissue valve last time. However, last time I thought I made the right choice but I have now sort of been proven wrong.

I am mainly working on trying to find out if there is a hospital here in Thailand that can get me the On-x. I sent an email to On-x to see if it is possible to have a representative here if my current surgeon agrees to use On-x for the first time.

Besides this I am contacting St Jude about what could have happened with my tissue valve and about their progress in trials with low anticoagulation. Not sure if I will get any useful replies but I will keep you updated if I do.


Some say its critical to have a surgeon that has installed an On-X before... I wish my doctor had more experience with it, I was his first patient. From what I've read my heart surgeon is known for being creative and I felt confident that he would be able to "figure" it out. From what I also understand there were 2 On-X reps in the OR with my surgeon since it was his first time. I'm assuming they were there to answer any questions the surgeon had while doing the surgery. My hope is that if my surgeon was doing it wrong the reps would help guide him in the right direction.

ON A SIDE NOTE IF MY ON-X VALVE GOT IN A FIGHT WITH A ST. JUDE VALVE MY ON-X VALVE WOULD KICK THE ST JUDE VALVE'S @$$. Hope this helps you make a logical and scientific decision.
Julian said:
ON A SIDE NOTE IF MY ON-X VALVE GOT IN A FIGHT WITH A ST. JUDE VALVE MY ON-X VALVE WOULD KICK THE ST JUDE VALVE'S @$$. Hope this helps you make a logical and scientific decision.

Dude, you are killing me with this comment! I almost fell over laughing when I saw it. Maybe you should sell it to Seinfeld for one of his stand up routines.
Some say its critical to have a surgeon that has installed an On-X before... I wish my doctor had more experience with it, I was his first patient. From what I've read my heart surgeon is known for being creative and I felt confident that he would be able to "figure" it out. From what I also understand there were 2 On-X reps in the OR with my surgeon since it was his first time. I'm assuming they were there to answer any questions the surgeon had while doing the surgery. My hope is that if my surgeon was doing it wrong the reps would help guide him in the right direction.

ON A SIDE NOTE IF MY ON-X VALVE GOT IN A FIGHT WITH A ST. JUDE VALVE MY ON-X VALVE WOULD KICK THE ST JUDE VALVE'S @$$. Hope this helps you make a logical and scientific decision.

a short update...

I had replies from both St Jude and On-x. It pleases me to see that these companies can be reached and do try to be of help.

I am now in contact with the Singapore representative of St Jude hoping to find out more about the problems with my current valve. Still waiting for useful info though.

On-x forwarded me to their Thai representative who has been a great help. He told me that my surgeon already has an On-x valve available now. It appears that my surgeon was at an exhibition, the weekend after my last visit, where he showed interest in the On-x and requested a sample to be sent to the hospital. The On-x rep. told me that there are other surgeons in Thailand who have worked with the On-x. Besides this did he confirm that my current surgeon really has a good reputation as I always assumed. He also recommended another surgeon who has a very good reputation and worked with On-x before.

I have another appointment with my surgeon on Monday so I am curious how that will go and what the possibilities are. I am not necessarily changing surgeon but I hope an arrangement is possible where an On-x rep joins in or even better another surgeon with On-x experience.

To be continued.....
ON A SIDE NOTE IF MY ON-X VALVE GOT IN A FIGHT WITH A ST. JUDE VALVE MY ON-X VALVE WOULD KICK THE ST JUDE VALVE'S @$$. Hope this helps you make a logical and scientific decision.

Hi Julian,

Thanks for your positive reply. Boxing is one of my hobbies..i hope I will in few years get to the point where I will again be able to kick some @$$.
