On vacation with more symptoms

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Dec 23, 2013
Hi all. I have a BAV, This year my numbers have gotten worse and I was referred to a surgeon for a consultation. I met with Dr. Gaudiani who suggested I might want to have the surgery in February which would be more convenient for my daughter and my upcoming wedding in July. His point being why not have the surgery when it is an elective procedure and not an emergency situation. My stenosis is 0.7 but my pressure and ejection rates are moderate. My cardiologist felt this was premature and I thought I could wait until next fall or even later.

I decided to get another opinion with Dr. Craig Miller at Stanford but I have yet to be given an appointment with him as he was on vacation and needed to see my images prior to my appointment. I am in touch with his assistant by email.

It was decided I would go on vacation in Mazatlan for 3 weeks, come home and repeat all diagnostic tests, see Dr. Gaudiani and my cardio again and hopefully Dr. Miller, ASAP and make the decision.

So here I am in Mazatlan. When I first got here I got a cold. I decided to lay low by the pool, sleep and nurse the cold so it didn't go into my bronchials. (BTW, I just got another cold/bronchitis in the last month and probably not in the last 10 years). I started periodically wheezing but as the cold resolved I stopped except at night when I lay down. I turned off the air conditioner and started using the inhaler but I wake up in the middle of the night wheezing. I tried propping myself up on pillows but I wake up on my back, wheezing. I have 2 inhalers My question......should I be worried. I have 2 more weeks on my vacation. During the day I am mostly laying around the pool. Yesterday I even ventured into town as I am wanting to keep up my exercise but I am not doing what I was doing prior to vacation and the cold. ( 2 hours working out a day). This wheezing is new. Tomorrow I will try and walk 1-2 miles and see if I have SOB, which is a symptoms I have not had. I do have periodic palpitations but require meditation a few times a year I have been pleased to say I have not had any palpitations since I have been on vacation. ( cross my fingers).

I would like to hear from others. I am getting worried. It is hard being out of the country, still trying to my head wrapped around having this sudden surgery when I thought I was years away , and now having more symptoms. My partner is with me, and my daughter will be coming down next week. I just want to enjoy my vacation before this next hurdle.

Thoughts or suggestions?

It's hard to give you meaningful opinions since I'm not a doctor and I don't know your medical history. Here are a few thoughts...

Even people without BAV get colds that cause congestion and wheezing. You mention inhalers. Perhaps you have asthma and that makes you more susceptible to bronchial problems. Even though you're in Mexico, perhaps you could call your cardiologist and/or primary care doctor tomorrow to discuss your concerns.

Before my first aortic valve replacement, we decided it was time for surgery because my ejection fraction was trending downward, my ascending aorta had dilated beyond a certain threshhold and I was experiencing some tightness in my chest when pushing the lawn mower.

Before my second aortic valve replacement, I was having shortness of breath and obvious chest pain when walking to my car in the parking lot.

Your symptoms could be the beginning of bronchitis.

If you start having chest pain, tightness or pronounced shortness of breath, go to the ER to get it checked out. Even if it has nothing to do with your BAV, it might still warrant a quick check for a respiratory infection.
Thanks for the info. I feel a little silly posting like this but I am here in Mexico and was starting to get alarmed. I do not have a history of asthma. I recently had a cold that went into broncitis and due to my stenosis was given the inhalers. I am not sure if the symptoms come on quickly or gradually as I was fairly asymptomatic up until a month ago. All of a sudden I am starting to have SOB, more palpitations, tightness in my chest, etc. I am fairly new to this forum and up until now had not spoken with others with BAV. it is all happening so fast.....the many repeated tests every few months, the referrals to surgeons and now the talk about surgery this year. This all coupled with the timing of the surgery. I keep reading not to prolong surgery until there is irreparable damage. There seems to be a fine line, a balancing act, so many numbers to consider, different types of surgeries, valves to select...not to mention the post surgery considerations. My head is spinning...thanks all for the kind words and advice. Mostly it really helps to hear your stories.
How are you mentally? To me it sounds like you have a lot on your plate, so when these things tend to occur is it possible that you're over thinking them, when in fact this could all be related to your cold. I know a few weeks ago I had a nasty cold and was experiencing wheezing, palpitations (which I have quite frequently post op at 2 years) and my chest was indeed tighter then usual. The SOB is different however, I don't know what type of shape your in, if your fit and exercise then that's a bit worrisome, and I know it all sounds silly..but it could be mind over matter and your symptoms of a cold are what are the issues. I'm almost 2 years post op and I get palpitations all the time. Usually you just get up and walk around a bit. I'd definitely call your doctor and see what they say, just to play it safe. Hope it's nothing serious and you get it sorted out.

other then that I'm jealous you're laying by the pool while we are all freezing! :)
Hi there,

I know there's been a lot of colds and bronchitis going around recently and what you've described sure sounds like that. The difference in climate might have triggered it. I would try not to worry too much that it's valve related. Still, it's scary to be in a foreign country and fall ill so best of luck.

BTW, is your doctor named Vince Gaudiani? Wow...if it's the same guy, he was on the team when I had my first OHS at the National Institute of Health all the way back in '76 or '77. I don't know why, but I still remember him. Great guy.

Again, I wouldn't stress too much about it being cardiac related. Just relax, enjoy your vacation and GET WELL SOON!

Take care.
Years ago when we went to Puerto Vallarta my husband got a bad cold that was turning to bronchitis.(yellow mucous, etc) He went to a local pharmacy and asked for antibiotics and got them, took them, and he was feeling better in a couple of days.
I can understand how you feel, though, being in a foreign country, having heart issues and worrying about them and your upper respiratory 'cold' as well.
I had to wait 6 weeks for my 1st surgery, even though I had a 6cm aneurysm and leaky aorta. So, I would hope you would be fine until you get back to CA.