On the subject of Post Sergery hardships.......................Dental Problems!

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Well-known member
Jun 19, 2010
Detroit Michigan
Ok, so what is the single biggest factor in a good OHS recovery?

Well, I always figured that it was one's mental state. Once a person puts her/himself into a good mental state, everything else seems to work itself out. To quote Al Pachino in Godfather......

“I try to get out, and they pull me back in!”

I was eating my morning oat bran and it felt like I was chewing on glass. I figured it was something in my muffin, cursed Tim Horton’s and moved on. Gradually, I started feeling pain and discomfort in my right lower jaw. Low and behold, a crown on my #31 molar started to crumble. UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!

The good news is that it has a fresh root canal under there so no nerves to get infected and no damage to the gum line. The bad news is that just 5 weeks post aortic repair, I’m heading to the place the surgeon demanded I stay away from. The DENTIST!

I feel like I am among friends so with that said, anyone out here ever had to go into the dentist so soon after OHS? The surgeon called in scrip for yet another anti-biotic prophylactic. Now I get to be on Doxycycline and Amoxicillin. If there were any good news out of this, at least the tooth that the crown broke on has a full root canal so I guess that’s the good news (very low chance of infection), but as I understand, any type of dental work is a risk, especially this soon after surgery.

AMA was no health as was the ADA as both have radically conflicting protocols on when its safe to do dental work after OHS and none of the protocols specifically address Aortic prosthetics, only valve replacements and bypass surgery. The Dentist says he will do whatever the hospital says they can do.

The dental team is father and son and as you can imagine, father says “Take your drugs, come on in and lets get you a new crown” and Jr. says, “everything I have been taught says that we make sure there is low chance of infection and only do minimal repairs as necessary until 6 month post surgery, sorry your jaw hurts, but a heart infection is far worse than a sore jaw.” It’s more an issue of discomfort than pain, at least for now anyway.

Any thoughts?
Did you ask your cardiologist what he/she suggests? Were it me (and thankfully it is not) I would try to wait out the time. You sure don't need infection finding it's way to your heart..
Did you ask your cardiologist what he/she suggests? Were it me (and thankfully it is not) I would try to wait out the time. You sure don't need infection finding it's way to your heart..

I second this recommendation.

I'm thinking it would be wise to take anti-biotics both Before and AFTER the Dental Procedure.
Maybe even a full course for X days. That's where your Cardio or PCP or ?? could help.

I'm thinking we've had a few other members in a similar situation but don't remember who or when.

'AL Capshaw'
I had basically this same thing happen to me although I was a little bit further out, maybe 2 or 3 months post op...but anyway, my cardio gave me a script for a couple weeks of antibiotics instead of the normal couple of doses and off I went to have my crown replaced (I think I even ended up having to have a root canal, can't remember back 2.5 years now, too many drugs ago!) and my dentist happily did the work and I was fine. I know how you feel, I was a nervous wreck.

Honestly, I can't see what difference and temporary and a permanent repair is going to make in your case. Your tooth has already been "prepped" for a crown since it has already had one on, so I would think they just basically need to clean it up, make new molds and then make the new crown. I would think you are going to bleed the same amount either way.

This may teach you not to eat oat bran for breakfast :rolleyes2: :biggrin2:

I'd definitely check with the cardio's office and possibly even the surgeon's office, just to be sure.

Just this past week or so I think another member had a similar concern.

Hope all goes well. Take care :)