On The Other Side Baby!

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
Southern California
Wow just did 2.5 days in ICU because of heart rhythm issues. Docs are keeping pacer wires in at least till tomorrow. Today after 5pm will be a full 4 days post op. Man those first few days were horrible. I thought I was going insane sometimes.

I've been having some PVC's and my heart rate goes from 65 to 150 at random. Docs think its a good sign because my rhythm at the high rate looks normal. My lower heart rate is the issue. I believe they call it 2nd and 3rd degree block, they are trying to figure out if they need to put a pacemaker in.

Surgery was 8 hours long! I was on bypass for 3 hours! They said my valve was fused and the other leaflet was barley moving. I got an On-X with conduit attached plus part of the arch replaced I believe. I can hear and feel that sucker click away. Not too bad actually. Everyone and there mothers say I have such improved color. My toes look really pink. I still feel weak and foggy in my head. I laugh because the change in the heart rhythm scares the heck out of me and I want it to stop! They are holding a dose of coumadim tonight because they may remove pacer wire tomorrow and don't want INR to be too much over 2. Hope that happens then maybe I can go home. If not I might get pacer and leave by Wednesday I'm guessing. I've made it guys you have all held my hand through I h this, I thank you!

Dude!!!! Congrats on making it to the other side. Was waiting for your post. Sounds like you didn't have too much issues... You heart probably doesn't know what to do because for the first time, it's getting all this blood!! You poor thing, you were way over due.

Anyway, take time to rest and remember, you did it!! The next couple of weeks are crucial in that you rest and reflect. It only gets better from here my friend.

Welcome to post op side, now the relief feeling begins and the reality that your life has changed sets in. We all dodged a bullet but are not free from further complications, rest lots and ease yourself back to health.
Congratulations from the Great White North!
Great news Julian......for now, take it easy, enjoy the nursing/family pampering and continue to post your recovery. I know that your experiences will help those still in the "waiting room".
Julian - Great to hear from you. I was stuck in ICU for 3 days because of heart block issues, so know the feeling, no fun at all. I actually felt great (relative speaking, of course) at the time, they just wouldn't let me out of bed, so I too nearly went insane. I hope your rhythm issues resolve themselves, for many that does in fact happen. While I did end up with a permanent pacemaker, just so you know, it's actually not as bad as it sounds. In some ways, I think it's one of the better complications to deal with.

Best wishes for continued recovery. Once I broke out of the ICU, I made up ground pretty easily in getting back to normal, hope it works out the same for you.
Dude, welcome back to the real world ;)
Those rhythm issues seem to bite most of us at some time or another. I was a few days post op when my HR hit
170 bpm while I was sleeping. That got me a quick trip back to the step down unit for a dose of Sotalol.
After that my HR was stable but too fast for my liking, so I got Metoprolol to slow things down a bit.
You have been through alot, a big surgery, remember to be good to yourself and rest. ;)
Julian, Great news to hear you are getting back to livin'. From a So. Cali girl I hope things continue to go well for you. Just take your time, rest, eat, sleep, walk and then repeat, repeat, repeat.