On my way for my echo!

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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2009
Scottsboro, Alabama USA
Wish me luck! Ahhhh I am soooo scared. Got to be at the Heart Center by 2:30! I hope it's all good....but I haven't been sleeping because I am freaking out so bad. Will post once I am back!


Good luck, Mileena. We all know that pit in the stomach feeling when we have to return for echos and TEE's and such. Sending all good vibes you get a great report.
Good news! He said everything looked the same.....my left atrium had gone from HUGE to large...(his words), suggested getting off the amiodarone, but he wants me to stay on a small dose for now. Said IF I come off I would most likely be back in for cardioversion because it WOULD go into A-Fib again. My BP was a little high, he upped my meds for that, and said I can now go to one year between visits! So glad it's over, and thanks everyone for the well wishes and the good vibes!

Good news! He said everything looked the same.....my left atrium had gone from HUGE to large...(his words), suggested getting off the amiodarone, but he wants me to stay on a small dose for now. Said IF I come off I would most likely be back in for cardioversion because it WOULD go into A-Fib again. My BP was a little high, he upped my meds for that, and said I can now go to one year between visits! So glad it's over, and thanks everyone for the well wishes and the good vibes!


I'm curious, which "HE" did you see?

If you prefer to keep it confidential, you can e-mail me through VR
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Dr. Alex Vasquez. Alejandro Vasquez to be exact.

Started to post and ask if you were going to be in the area yesterday Al....but figured you would have mentioned it.
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I don't know Dr. V but I did see an interview he did with one of the local TV News reporters recently.
Everything he said was right on track with my understanding of those issues.