On lighter side - blade shaving on Coumadin ok?

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Mar 30, 2010
Woodbury, MN (USA)
I've shaved with a blade (actually one of those multi-blade models - like Mach-3) as long as I've been shaving. I don't remember the last time I cut myself shaving (I bet less than once or twice a year, if that). Since surgery, I've been using an electric shaver (on advice from nurses). For the life of me, I can't get a shave I'm anywhere near happy with using that thing. And it's not a cheap model ($90 I think). I'm thinking about living on the edge and trying my regular razor... So my question... Are any of you other Coumadin users using a blade? And if so, what happens if you do nick yourself??? Are we talking a turnaquet around your neck, or just put pressure on it with some toilet paper like normal, only for a little longer (maybe 5-10 min. instead of 2)?
Ask yourself this... when you did cut yourself, how much blood? If we're talking pints, then maybe you should be concerned :D But, for those nasty nicks that might actually produce a few real drops, expect maybe one or two more drops. The answer is more pressure with some toilet paper like normal and leave it on a little longer. No tourniquet.:eek2:
I recently had a couple of skin cancers cut out of my face. One on the cheek, one on the nose.
Family Dr. did the cheek, dermatoligist did the nose. Neither Dr was worried about bleeding.
Family Dr said I might loose a tablespoon of blood instead of a teaspoon.
I think all this means use what ever feels good to you.................... But not the turnaquet..
I've been using my 2-blade razor for years (while anticoagulated).

TP and Pressure, just like before. Be careful 'ploping' a New Blade on your lip :-(

Try some talcum or baby powder on your face when shaving with an electric razor, especially after showering.

I did the same thing when I first came home. I even filled two crayon box sized containers with every shape bandaid possible, gauze pads of all sizes, sissors, everything ! One for the office and one for home. Guess how many I used ?

I ditched the electric razor and went back to the blade at about 6 months post op. One thing I do now that is different than before is that I shave my face in the shower. I know its a bit wasteful when it comes to water use but a steaming hot shower softens the skin and I just lather up with soap. I've had ZERO issues, nicks just take a bit longer to stop bleeding.


Thanks guys! That gives me enough confidence needed to go back to my regular razor. Will be much happier! And is another case for "Coumadin isn't THAT bad". Guess I could use that new electric thing I got for man-scaping, lol.


Who needs an electric razor? I probably manage to cut or nick myself about once every couple of weeks; I haven't bled-out yet.

We do learn to use the system. Since these supposedly knowledgeable people continue to spread silliness, feel free to use their silliness. Would you like to stop shaving completely for a while? Tell anyone concerned that it's doctor's orders. Otherwise, feel free to use whatever blades you want without fear of any problem whatsoever. When you nick yourself, through the dull razor out and use a new one.
Aha, so am not the only one having problem with electric razor...nurse also suggested electric at hospital release session

spent about 40 minutes on Sunday, trying to get about 4 days beard off, with new expensive braun razor and far from fulfilled

remembered Ross's tip that Coumadin does not prevent clotting, clotting on Coumadin is simply 2x-3x longer to happen, therefore potentially a minute, (no big deal)

so have been back to blade shaving, a process taking only a few minutes and providing such a clean feeling.

have never understood why anyone would want to use an electric razor by choice for face, but then again, maybe it is my grizzly bear facial hair (smile)


next day
Those silly professionals. My God, if everyone did exactly as they said, we wouldn't dare move for fear of exploding into a large red blob of plasma.

Put down those sissy 2 and 3 blade razors and go for the 5 blade face ripper. That's what I use. Nick the crap out of myself most of the time too. You'd think after 35 years of shaving, I'd of learned not to do that, but nah. I just let it bleed and walk around petrifying everyone in sight. Have never even had a drop run down my neck yet!


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Oh yeah, they wouldn't let me have a razor to shave my legs in the hospital either, and warned me against shaving after surgery, too.
So DH bought me an electric razor. After struggling for about 6 months to get my legs shaved with the electric P.O.S. I chucked it for blades again.

Good grief, what silliness they spread!
Blades it is then!

Blades it is then!

Thanks all. I was gonna try it anyway, but good to know others have blazed the trail and lived to tell about it ;) Will put my big boy pants on and try it today when I shower later. Getting kinda lazy and not showering first thing in morning these days, kinda like a very, very extended weekend, lol. Besides I need to get caught up on Sportscenter first - I've only seen these same highlights about 15 times since last night, need one more round before I'd feel comfortable being away for 15 min. to shower.

I kinda suspected it can't be THAT bad if you nick yourself based on all the poking they've done on me lately. They'd just put a cotton ball and a piece of tape on my owie (just like my pre-coumadin days) and wala - it would stop bleeding, just like before. I even asked a nurse yesterday, are you SURE my INR is ok - you keep poking me, and it's not bleeding any more than normal. She just laughed at me.

Yea, I don't know how people do it with these electric models. I'd shave and shave, then feel it and think, huh??? I paid $90 for this thing????
I'm still using a blade razor. I heard the recommendations to use electric but I've never had more than a tiny nick from shaving, so I didn't give that much credence. Also, I figured that with an INR of 2-3, I might bleed for 5 or 10 minutes instead of a few. So, far, a few nicks, bleeding stopped quickly enough. No problem and I wouldn't expect one. I've had far worse injuries recently working on my cars. A few real deep cuts from wrench slip accidents. Yes, I bleed more and longer than I did before staring warfarin, but the bleeding stops reasonably quickly with my INR in range.
Andy, I don't think you were around for the flu shot discussion. A number of people reported that their providers were reluctant to give them shots because it might bleed too much. Yikes, I draw more blood for my weekly test than came out of the flu shot stick.
I don't need to shave my face, yet, thankfully; however I am diabetic and do several finger sticks a day. Never had a problem with blood, even back in the time shortly after I got out of the hospital and INR was 5.8 or 5.9.
I tried using a Philishave razor and ended up with razor burn and spots. I use my trusty twin blade and have only nicked myself once in 4 months and this stopped bleeding in no time. I have an INR of around 2.5. I have noticed that my hair growth is considerably less since surgery and some of my hair has hardly regrown. I am not bothered about it as it makes getting dry a lot quicker. If you are a persom who has razor shaved before, as I am, I wouldn't change.
Thanks - I went back to shaving w/ a razor shortly after hearing the above responses. Have been using it for several days now with no issues. Can't remember the last time I nicked myself shaving (I bet it's been a year or more).

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