Ole Harrybaby Is Headed For Boston....

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi All...I just wanted to let you all know that I was just "dumped" all of a sudden by my cardiologist that I thought was really interested in getting to the bottom of my cardiac trouble.....as it turns out, he wasn't. I went in for my follow up visit from my right heart catheterization in June, and he did not go over the results, he simply told me that he was NOT going to see me again, and out the door I went.

I have started to gather all of my medical records, films and any other pertinent cardiac information and I am headed down to Mass General Hospital In Boston...No more messing around...and I don't mind telling yall that I am NOT HAPPY with the doctors in my area and I made that clear to the folks at the Heart Center At Mass General Hospital. They were very understanding and receptive. Thankfully, I will be able to take the train into Boston so I don't have to drive in Boston. I can handle driving to Logan Airport....just not into the center of Boston...LOL:D
Thankfully, I will be able to take the train into Boston so I don't have to drive in Boston. I can handle driving to Logan Airport....just not into the center of Boston...LOL:D

Sorry you've been dumped by your cardio.

But at least you can get to Mass Gen in Boston fairly easily. And, yes, I wouldn't want to drive around in the center of Boston. Been there, done that, in Beacon Hill area. :eek::eek:
When my niece was attending Boston U., I'd fly up for a week, grab a rental car and stay at a motel in Braintree, right across from the train station. Cost 2 tokens to take the train into Boston and on to Cambridge, Government Center, North End, etc. Used the car when I moved on to Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, etc., for the rest of the week.
Hi All...I just wanted to let you all know that I was just "dumped" all of a sudden by my cardiologist that I thought was really interested in getting to the bottom of my cardiac trouble.....as it turns out, he wasn't. I went in for my follow up visit from my right heart catheterization in June, and he did not go over the results, he simply told me that he was NOT going to see me again, and out the door I went.

I have started to gather all of my medical records, films and any other pertinent cardiac information and I am headed down to Mass General Hospital In Boston...No more messing around...and I don't mind telling yall that I am NOT HAPPY with the doctors in my area and I made that clear to the folks at the Heart Center At Mass General Hospital. They were very understanding and receptive. Thankfully, I will be able to take the train into Boston so I don't have to drive in Boston. I can handle driving to Logan Airport....just not into the center of Boston...LOL:D

I'm shocked that your Cardio dumped you so unceremoniously without at least giving you a reason.

OTOH, I'm glad that you are FINALLY going to Boston
(as some of us have been urging you to do for some time)

Hope that the Doc's at MGH can come up with a complete diagonsis and treatment plan that will work for you.

Best Wishes Harry !
Well, I will tell you...it's like this...

Well, I will tell you...it's like this...

OTOH, I'm glad that you are FINALLY going to Boston
(as some of us have been urging you to do for some time)

Best Wishes Harry !

I have procrastinated because I am simply tired of getting the run around, and truthfully, I am worried that I will do no better when I go to Boston.

I did, however, get some of my records today, and looked them over, and there was a couple of things that none of the cardiologists or doctors told me. 1. I have a small Apical Defect (Hole) in my heart, and 2. I had a chest x ray that was done in 2007 which shows some fibrosis on my right lung. This may be one of the reasons I am getting SOB upon exhertion and why in heavens name didn't the doc who saw this tell me to get in to see my lung doctor...?? This is going to be a very interesting experience.:confused::D:mad::confused::D
Harry, sorry your cardio was like that. Why didn't he at least tell you the results of your cath? Did he/she charge you for that? You do not need a doc like that. I hope at Boston they can help you. Best of luck.
Another classical case of why you need to get copies of your records. I was interested in the comment on my echo report that my valve may be a mismatch. Do you think they told me that? Heck no.
I got such wonderful treatment from the cardiologist at MGH Harry though it was only post op and they knew I was not going to be their continuing patient.

I specifically remember one cardiologist from my first surgery four and a half years ago. His name was Dr. Tom Wang and he was wonderful. I didn't see him my second surgery but he well could still have been there just not assigned to me.

Best wishes. It's a fine hopsital and I hope you get the care you need.
Harry buddy, that's aggravating, but might be a blessing in disguise, given the high quality of Mass General. Hope your trip there and back goes well. Keep us informed! Prayers headed your way.
Good luck to you, Harry!!

Yeah, isn't it amazing what you find out when you actually read the report? I would never have known I have a 4.5 cm ascending aortic aneurysm had I not asked for my CT scan report. When I spoke to my cardio's nurse prior to getting the report she told me that everything was fine!

This year she said nothing had changed but when I got the report it mentioned three nodules on my lungs that weren't noted last year. However, they're tiny and of "doubtful significance," so that's probably why she didn't mention them.

So I agree with Ross - it's important to get copies of every report.

Again, best of luck, Harry!
I agree with SB - maybe it's a blessing in disguise. Good luck as you find a new doc.
Harry, best of luck to you on your trip to Mass General. More importantly, better luck at finding people who really care and who want to do something for you.

In 2002 I had lung surgery for a nodule that turned out to be Valley Fever (thank God for no cancer). I do have some fibrosis in both lungs and, I agree, it is a hard call whether SOB is from a heart problem or the lung problem. After my AVR in Feb. I still get SOB many times but am better than before the AVR surgery.

Have a productive trip and, hopefully, you will get the answers you need.
