Ok...so maybe I am overdoing it.

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
I am having aortic aneursym surgery on 7/31. As I do live alone, and do not want "strangers and or home nursing" afterwards. I am covered for sub-acute cardiac care and rehabilitaion...so, this weekend I visited the place "unannounced" that I want to go to the week or two after surgery, while it was a nursing home I was quite surprised that the sub-acute wing was very efficient. So, the perks are that I will rehab and recover, be one the waterfront and play bingo and horseracing ......I asked if they allowed WiFi, and they looked at me strangely....and said no cell phones or netbooks, just a phone in your room....so no working while recovery...gee I will really miss that,,lol
I may sound flippant, but I am so damn scared, thank God for Xanex ...now just the waiting. At least I am going to work until the next to last day and even see a play this week, even though I am walking at a snails pace..(emphysema)...
Just venting....:)
I think it's very wise for you to choose to stay at the sub-acute care / nursing facility for a couple of weeks after surgery. My uncle did that, and it was a good choice for him as well.

I really leaned on my spouse a lot following my own surgery, and would have had great difficulty if it weren't for her. In fact, I considered staying at a nursing facility for a couple of weeks just to make things easier on her and the family (we have young kids). In the end, we relied on a lot of babysitting, with my wife focusing on me.

Best of luck with the surgery!
As long as the facility is ok. I've seen too many that I wouldn't leave a pet in much less a human.
There is such a range of quality from one facility to another. We have one in our community that is top rate. Excellent care, good ratio staff to patient, good rehab OT and PT teams......

On the other hand, there are a few that should be condemned.

I could have managed on my own at home after both my surgeries. It would not have been as comfortable for me but I was well enough to have managed. I am grateful my wonderful DH helped me in ways I didn't even ask. :)

Why not wait until after your surgery to see if you even need to go to this facility?
You may find you can manage on your own or with just a bit of help from a neighbor for a ride to a doctor's appointment or such.

Best wishes.
I am from NYC and do not have neighbors that are home during the day...we all work... the doctor's are far from my apartment. I checked out this place (I am in the insurance field, from top to bottom)...it's serves my purposes...Being single sometimes has its downfalls....but mostly up in my case!!!!

thxs guyz...
Why not wait until after your surgery to see if you even need to go to this facility?


I would try it at home. If something bad happens, call 911. There is a lot to be said for the old saying "There's No Place Like Home". Just my $.02
My father was in his mid-70's when he needed a triple by-pass. At the time, I did not understand the recovery (it was 9 years before my AVR) and figured it would be unmanageable for me with 3 children at home. We placed him in some kind of a recouperative care wing of a large senior residential facility for 7-10 days. It worked very well. He had to share a room and complained of the snoring of his roommate, though! He was also adamant about always having cash on his person, so of course that $100 disappeared!! He then came and stayed with us for 2 weeks, then his brother came and stayed with him at his house for a week. As for me, OHS in my 50's, I had someone around for the first week, 24/7 (family or friend) but really after 4 days home I would've been fine on my own as long as my meals and housekeeping were taken care of.

For both he and I it was very important to have someone there to give meds at the appropriate time. Physically he was practically bouyant. Mentally he was lost and his sensibilities took quite awhile to recover (much has changed for the better now for heart patients and the drugs they use and the filters on the heart/lung machine). It would have been quite a hardship for me in the early days of his recovery, though once that first 10 days went by, I was fine (I'm a squeemish nurse).

I think we all need to set things up as we see fit. Nothing will be perfect... it's a bumpy road even for those of us who sail smoothly down it. You want to be cared for professionally -- excellent choice! Smart to walk in unannounced!! That should ease your mind.

Just keep it all in perspective. It's only 2 weeks out of your entire life! You will be comforted knowing that someone is watching over you, and that someone isn't anyone you know or will feel indebted toward. You can leave early if you are doing fine!

And when you do get home -- you will REALLY appreciate how comfortable and you it really is! There is no place like home!

In case you do decide to break away early, why don't you line up some delivery restaurant menus so that you can have your food brought to you at home for awhile? Or have plenty of peanut butter and jelly on hand, or whatever would be very easy (using a hand can opener will not be possible for a few days or more!). If frozen dinners to microwave, you will not be able to dig deep into a freezer (no stretching or reaching) or lean down an rummage around in drawers for awhile. So re-arrange that stuff so it's right out front now.

Best wishes. Stay calm, however you get there -- it's the best way going in.

Thanks to all of you for your advice, they changed my surgery one day sooner. i am still going with the sub-acute re-hab as it will sort of be the relaxing atmosphere I need, if I come home the family circus will arrive, I will have to eat xanex like tic tacs, and they will feed me lasagna all day...lol. The re-hab is on the beach and 15 min from my house, so if I need to escape, it's a car service call away. I need to de- stress to get my self strong enough to ride the subway and buses of NYC and get back to work and on with my life.
Thanks all!
Smart choice, especially in such a large city. Large cities 911 circuits can get tied up quickly, and emergency vehicles can take forever. My cousin Sheree is studying to become a doctor, and there was a stabbing in the bar she was at, she of course saved the man's life but was frustrated with the EMT (This was in LA). It took them about 23 minutes to arrive after the 911 call. And the EMT refused to wash his hands before patching up the wound, so my cousin did it herself.

Big cities, tend to have delays in emergency response. The few minutes can be the difference between life and death.

For choosing a facility that can handle such an emergency is a brilliant idea.
Wow, my mom is facing aneurysm surgery soon. I cannot imagine her, at 74, with emphysema also, wanting to recover anywhere but home. I think your attitude is refreshing...and open minded. I wish my mom would consider this. Best wishes to you.
The 911 thing is totally true, by the time they figure out what the problem is it would be too late. Too may times the elevator has been out in my building, with my luck it would be the day I need 911. It was out the day of my angiogram, and the day of my stress test, and the day I was diagnosed, (boy if i did not drop then), and had to walk 12 flights 3 times within two weeks. Murphy's law will say that the day I come home I will have to walk up...no way.
I would rather be in re-hab with the people that know what they are doing, it is also less of a burden to family who live out of town. I know I may be able to get around on my own after the surgery but I am 56 years old and need to get back to work the right way and hit the ground running, well at least walking . I am covered for the facility, so that's my personal choice. I am also an operations manager-kind of bossy, so I think it's best to go where they will force me and not me them ;)
56 years young? Your sounding like your expecting to be 85 tomorrow. You shouldn't have much of a problem at all and may not even really need to be in a facility, but it is tough without help.