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Nov 15, 2010
Perth, Western Australia
Hi guys I had my pulmonary valve replaced 5 months ago and was booked in for some "female" surgery yesterday anyway this procedure was cancelled when I got to theatre because the anethasist could hear a murmur and has sent me back to my cardiologist.. Has this happened to anyone else?? Any ideas on what is going on please??? Feeling pretty anxious right now :(
Hi Jenayah even after a valve has been replaced they still can leak.I had my aortic valve replaced and at my 6 mth check up was told it was leaking but mildly,I was really bleak but apparently this happens.My cardio says that he has seen this often and you can still get good life out of your replaced valve.I think something we all learn on this amazing site is once a heart patient always a heart patient.I am sure you will be fine remember worry is a wasted emotion causing you untold stress for what Ifs.If anything having a heart condition has taught me to live in the present moment and appreciate the now.Sorry going on a bit,please let us know what your cardio says am sure it will be okay.
This is not medical advice as I am going off memory here and not a doctor, but I recall that I was told that with my valve, there is a built-in backflow to flush the leaflets (carbomedics mechanical valve). Due to this flush/backflow over the leaflets to avoid clotting, a murmur may be present. Has anyone else heard this as well?
Thanks for the responses so far.. I had a tissue valve it wasnt mechanical so I dont know if that makes any difference or not??
I am booked in to see my Cardiologist Tuesday morning, they got me in really quick so at least I dont have to worry to much over nothing, hopefully!!!
hi! can't help but to be nosey, what surgery were you going to have done? i was wondering about female surgery after having open heart surgery.

if its too personal dont worry about it i understand!

Hi guys I had my pulmonary valve replaced 5 months ago and was booked in for some "female" surgery yesterday anyway this procedure was cancelled when I got to theatre because the anethasist could hear a murmur and has sent me back to my cardiologist.

Did your anesthesiologist say where he/she heard the murmur from? It may not be from the pulmonary valve -- could be another valve. And then again, he/she might be wrong.
Has your cardiologist ordered an echo or transesophageal echocardiogram?
Hi Jenayah, this may give you a bit of comfort. I also have a bovine valve and my lifelong GP, who listed to my heart over a period of about 20 years before surgery, really wanted to put his stethoscope to my chest as soon after surgery as I could manage it. He was very curious to compare the murmer from my very stenosed aortic valve before surgery to that of the new valve. I was shocked when he said that he could still hear a faint murmer. I had to wait for my 6 month checkup and echo with the cardiologist to get the all clear on my new valve. No perivalvular (stitching) leak or regurgitation. Apparently these bio-prosthetic valves do sound a bit different from healthy native valves.
opps i forgot to mention that i also received a tissue (bovine) valve last may, and i do have a heart murmur. cardio said it is normal, i have had ct scans, echos, and even a TEE ultrasound. it is in perfect working order! i'm sure it is nothing to worry :)
Appears regardless of what is implanted, [tissue or MHV] their is regurgitation. Jason you are correct about MHV return flow over the pivot guides to prevent clot formation. I had an echo a couple of days back and asked the tech if he detected any regurgitation and he quoted you exactly.
I have a slight murmur too. My cardio said it is fine and that probably more than half the population has some regurgitation it is very common and rarely causes any problems.
You are all correct about valve replacements having a murmur.. I saw my cardiologist who said it is normal to have a murmur and I did have one last time I saw her and she wasnt concerned at all. However she listened yesterday and said it is definetely louder than last time for some reason. She has ordered another echo which I have done next Thursday 28/4 so for now its the waiting game!!! I really hope its not bad news because I really dont think I can go through all of this again especially so soon :(

And in answer to the question about the "female Surgery" its fine but they give you IV Antibiotics whilst in surgery to prevent infection.. :)
Excuse me for a bit of levity but I have had a heart murmur (before and after 2 surgeries) since the doctor slapped me on the arse the day I was born.


An anestheiologist is not a cardiologist. They might be able to hear a murmur with their stethoscope but they are not an expert at why the murmur is there. I have found the same thing to be true with most of my general practitioners. They hear "something", but they are not quite sure what it is or why they are hearing it...lol. If they are a new doctor they will ask me if I knew I had a heart murmur and I will be polite (instead of my usual smartazz self) and say yes and tell them why. Of course they could read that long azz form they make you fill out the first time you see them and then they would know why I have a heart murmur.
Thanks for all the responses so far.. I went and had an echo yesterday and the technician did say to me that the velocity in the valve has increased but he isnt a doctor and couldnt comment any further.. I see my cardiologist again on Monday. By the sound of it and what I am feeling I dont think I am going to get good news :(
Well I have been in hospital for the past week (am still here). After my echo last Thursday i had a call from my cardiologist telling me to present straight away to the nearest emergency dept. I have a 2cm by 2cm clotb in my pulmonary artery. 1cm away from my replaced valve. They seem to think its caused by turbulence in the blood caused by my new valve :-( so i need to get rid of this clot and see my surgeon too, hopefully can get out of hospital soon and get back to my 3 beautiful littlies
Oh my goodness.....

Someone was looking out for you that you would have had the other procedure scheduled and the fine doctor heard the murmer and insisted on follow up. Sounds like you are getting good care and hopefully all will be well and you'll be home shortly.

ALL best wishes. I'm sure this has been a very trying time for you.
Well out of hospital am on warfrin for life!!! Still have a clot and have to be really careful, had another ultrasound this afternoon (weekly from now on) and see my cardiologist tomorrow morning..
It is so good to be home with my family, I miss my babies so much :)