Off Line For A Bit

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2002
Hi All

Just thought I'd let you all know that I won't be around for a bit. We'll moving down to Virginia on Friday. Movers are coming tomorrow and closing on the house will be Thursday. Won't have a computer after tomorrow, so I thought I'd say bye for now. When we get to Virginia I'll get hooked up with an air card and will be back on line, but it probably won't be for a bit.

Soooo, in the meantime, I'll be thinking of you all and praying for you all, too.

Adios Amoebas........Evelyn
Safe travels and happy times in your new home, Evelyn. We will look forward to hearing all about it when you get back on line.
Have a safe journey, and we'll leave the lights on until you get back.:)
Finally here! I know you are excited. You'll be tired for awhile so we'll try to keep things going here, with the help of our esteemed beastie, of course. Travel safely. Unpack those boxes. About 5 yrs from now you will find something and say 'wondered where that's been all this time'. We'll leave the light on for ya. Blessins........