Obvious Side Effects

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Johnny Stephens

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2002
Seattle, WA
I was looking up one of my meds (Demadex aka Torsemide) in one of the big popular online databases. This is a diuretic, and it lists one of the side effects as "frequent urination." :D
Hi Johnny,

Reminds me of Boston for some reason. I wonder if that is the original origin of the phrase " Wicked Pissa" ?

Now, if you haven't lived around Boston, your probably shaking your head.. no pun intended.. and wondering about what I just said.

And just wait a few years. . .

And just wait a few years. . .

Johnny - What happens when you get past "that age" when men suffer frequent urination for other physical reasons? Ugh -- one added to the other means you would spend a big part of your day indisposed!
Ha Ha, I was on furosemide when I was 23, and I had to go every 15 minutes. No long road trips for me! I'm off it now(thank goodness) but my husband always laughed when I would jump out of bed and go racing for the bathroom!
Yup, that's what diuretics are supposed to do...get the excess fluid out of you. I was on a powerful diuretic right after surgery, and could have used a direct pipe to the bathroom!


Are you picking on my accent? LOL All R's are silent-aren't they? Actually, for the longest time I didn't know how people could tell I was from the Boston area (when I vacationed) until someone mentioned that we don't pronounce our "r's". I have been making an attempt to use them, but boy, it sounds soooo fake! People have told me that my accent is a bit thick, but I guess that is what happens when you grow up in a house that only speaks French, and then you have french nuns teaching you (yes, some classes were in French).

Signed, Gisele going to pa(r)k the ca(r) in Ha(r)va(r)d ya(r)d.*

*(r) denotes silent r--------------LOL

PS Johnny, I am on diazide (also diuretic), and yes frequent urination is what you have to endure. Never go anywhere without scouting out where the closest restroom is located. Good luck!
I could post a solution for this ongoing bathroom problem, but I don't feel it's appropriate for the forums. Hint:They are used in private aviation! No telling now, JC! :D
I noticed under your picture that you are once again "lovely and talented"! Glad to see those attributes have returned :D

Now why couldn't somebody simply invent an office chair with a flip-up seat and appropriate plumbing? Just think how this would boost your productivity at work, Johnny!:eek: As an added side benefit, people would soon learn not to pop in to your office unexpectedly!

My, I am certainly being helpful today.

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As an added side benefit, people would soon learn not to pop in to your office unexpectedly!
Oh I don't know about that one. It's never stopped my doctor! Talk about embarrassing. :eek:
Yeah I was once on a diuretic too. Gosh those were some super good times.

haha, happy peeing! ;)
Ross, I believe you are referring to a "relief tube?" I've read stories about them freezing up in the long-range bombers in WWII. That would be a bad day on a diuretic...

I also seem to recall reading in Flying Magazine many years back about the "venturi effect" that occurs when the door of a 172 is opened *just right* whilst airborne. Use your imagination...
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