Nuclear stress test and echo -- normal!

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Premium Level User
May 18, 2004
Hi guys.

Well, it's kind of a no big deal, but still I'm happy to report that all my numbers were within "normal range" and my cardio was happy with my results. Of course there's still the "need to step it up abit" and lose more weight and exercise more (yes I know I've been completely AWOL from Cooker's throwdown and really must renew my vows).

What happened was an event of sorts that took me into the cardio's office in the first place. She and I had decided that I did not need my annual echo last April since I had been so clean and healthy the year before. However, as 2009 progressed, it was a very stressful year for me. Mid-October, in an effort to "chill out" one night, hubby and I went to a fantastic sushi place; I (not my usual form) downed 3 (strong) Lemon Drops (martinis) and then we went home and proceeded to enjoy the rest of our evening in a very "married couple" kind of way. Except that afterward, my heart was pounding out of my chest and my head was hurting so badly I thought it was going to explode; like for an hour or more. I just lay there in the dark thinking I'd had burst my valve out of its seams but, oh well, not a bad way to end things if this were to be the case!! :p ;);)

My BP was up, high. 150/80's. And I was suddenly just wracked with PVC's. Totally out of control, annoying and unending. So I went to see my GP. She took and EKG and caught the PVC's and determined they were not A-Fib or anything dangerous. So she and I decided to double my BP med dose. She attributed the exploding headache to a possible migraine and since citrus can certainly cause migraines (and I am prone to the visual kind) and heaven knows what other liquor was in those drinks, I think she was probably right. She said everything sounded fine, heart-wise, but to go ahead and see the cardio. Well, the cardio was really booked up, so I didn't get in to see her until just before the holidays. That gave the BP med some time to work. The numbers settled down. And even the PVC's. So she (cardio) said, echo and stress test. The echo, just to be sure and to "have a look", and the stress test to check my arteries. Apparently, when arythmmias return or occur, it can be an indication that plaque is building up in your arteries. I did not know that!

Another thing I did not know was that liquor can increase your blood pressure. So, my cardio figures I was dealing with an already higher than I should have BP from all the stress, then I boosted it up with the liquor, and then I went overboard with the physical activity. I really felt like I had imploded. But, NO! I am fine. Heart is fit as a fiddle and ready for many more years of behaving in a "married couple" kind of way. I think I'll just refrain from Lemon Drops for awhile!!

:D:D Marguerite
Marguerite, So glad to hear it turned out okay. We can never quite let loose without penalties now but it sounds like you came close to it...

Maybe you could blame your husband too?

All the best for 2010,
Dale x
Happy to hear about your good report and because it was such good news for you, feel okay about saying what fun it was reading of your 'evening' with DH. Your way of telling the story made for a really good read. :)

Good news your echo and stress test look good.

Seriously, your story is great all around and I'm delighted for you that your numbers are all normal and your marriage can prosper :p.

Surprisingly for me, once my thyroid condition (hypo) got under control with medications my PVCs vanished. It was like someone turned off a light switch, I almost thought my heart had just stopped beating since it wasn't beating with PVCs. The "heart beating out of my chest" feeling also went away with the thyroid treatment.

Get this though, I'm a "poor converter" of T4 into T3. So, when my thyroid numbers look normal I'm really still not right. Took some real sleuthing with the endocrinologist to figure that out.

I don't know if you've had your thyroid tested, or even if you have and your numbers are normal you might want to consider whether it could be a source of PVCs. The incidence of hypothyroid goes up for women as they get older (oh goodie).

Meanwhile, enjoy your husband if not the Lemon Drops!

Oh Margi, if I may... My wife and I knock a few down once in a while and it becomes a time of joy, laughter, and silliness. Mostly silliness. Big time silliness. Just what we most need sometimes !
I like the idea someone said of blaming the husband. That usually works for the best. Next time you have a can yell.."LOOK what you did!":D

Glad things are better and that you have your priorities straight about what to stop and what to continue.


P.S. Please send me the recipe for those Lemon Drops.:D
Surprisingly for me, once my thyroid condition (hypo) got under control with medications my PVCs vanished. It was like someone turned off a light switch, I almost thought my heart had just stopped beating since it wasn't beating with PVCs. The "heart beating out of my chest" feeling also went away with the thyroid treatment.

Get this though, I'm a "poor converter" of T4 into T3. So, when my thyroid numbers look normal I'm really still not right. Took some real sleuthing with the endocrinologist to figure that out.


Excellent advice and information. I hope that others who are tormented by PVC's hear what you've said, Ruth. Thanks. In fact, those were the first words out of my GP's mouth and I didn''t really pay it much attention. "Let's check the thyroid." So we did a blood test that week. All levels were normal. If the PVC's had not subsided I would have gone back to her. If they rear up again, I will ask her to look more deeply at the thyroid numbers.

I mean, they are not completely gone. Chocolate, chili peppers, ginger (the kind you eat with sushi and yes, I over-indulged in their lovely pale ginger slices that night as well!!) will bring them back. I am very sensitive to things I ingest anyway (visual migraines) so I have to be aware of over-stimulating (I guess that's how I'd characterize them) foodstuffs.

Thanks everyone else for your fun and supportive remarks and responses! Fortunately, I cannot blame my husband -- and that theory has been tested!! ;);)

:D:D Marguerite
Mid-October, in an effort to "chill out" one night, hubby and I went to a fantastic sushi place; I (not my usual form) downed 3 (strong) Lemon Drops (martinis) and then we went home and proceeded to enjoy the rest of our evening in a very "married couple" kind of way.

Heart is fit as a fiddle and ready for many more years of behaving in a "married couple" kind of way. I think I'll just refrain from Lemon Drops for awhile!!

:D:D Marguerite

Sex thread attempt? :D
marguerite. I am very glad that all is well. Too much of a good thing I guess.
I also deal with fairly constant and annoying PVC's, and there are times after the 'married thing' that they get to rockin and rollin for awhile but they settle down after awhile. I hope the stress level gets better for you. Constant stress for any of us just aint no fun and sure aint healthy.
Excellent news marguerite. Keep enjoying the husband! If not alcohol. I would rather die doing that than from a drink. And I am sure the husband would appreciate it more too. Lol.
Sex thread attempt? :D

No, actually --- avoidance!!!! I know how things can get carried away around here !!! I was trying to word it in a way that would "fly under the radar screen" and not call too much attention to myself. But I had to stay true to the story!!!

Thanks, Tcopel, for your sympathetic remark. It's helpful to know that this kind of thing goes on in other people's lives. ;)

And everyone, thanks for the kind words. (and silly ones..... Bina!!!)

Marguerite, if you do have Thyroid tests done make sure they do the full set, including "free T4" and "free T3" and not just a TSH. That's the only way to determine if you're a "poor converter" of T4 to T3. Oh, and don't let them tell you, based on the old lab standards, that anything over 3 for TSH is "normal". The value used to be 5 but has been revised downward as too many people were subclinical hypothyroid and symptomatic. Cold feet, dry skin, brittle nails, missing the outer 1/3'rd of your eyebrows, trouble losing weight, fatigue and *palpatations* are all symptoms of hypothyroid. I think I was subclinical for years and thankfully (?!?!) Amioderone really clocked my thyroid (my TSH went from 3 to 12 in less than a week) and now I'm being treated and it's really noticeable. By the way, Amioderone is 37% Iodine.

As enjoyable as your post was to read, especially because of your word selection to dance around the delicate nature of the situation, it reminds me that we never really put this all behind us. A night of drinks and romance ends up as a reason to call the doctor. Ugh. The good news is that all is well and that's the most important. But it's unfortunate that we worry as much as we do (count me in, I do too) about all those bumps, beats and misses especially in the midst of something else so pleasureable. I guess that's part of the 'new normal', sigh.