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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2009
Scottsboro, Alabama USA
but I wanted to share something that has happened to a friend of mine. I know you all have had run-ins with some doctors and I also have read on here where some of you get copies of your files. This is in that catagory.

Here is the deal. My friend had a doctor who was in the same office as another doctor. She never saw the other doctor (she wasn't a patient), but it was kind of "his" office. She has COPD, and also has a lung specialist (pulmonogist...don't know how to spell it) who works with her GP on her breathing issues. She has been in the hospital many times, and takes oxygen at night.

Her doctor (GP) has built his own office now, leaving the other doctors office/practice...going out on his own. This other doctor has refused to let my friends doctor take any of his patients files with him. My friend is left with no way of letting her lung doctor know what care she has had in the last six months (she is seeing him on Monday) because she can't get this doctors staff to co-operate and release her files. Her GP told her to call and ask for them herself, she did this, and they told her that her files had to be paid for (she is willing to do this) but that the her GP must pick these files up (his staff), that they couldn't be released to HER.

Is that right? I know some of you have gotten copies of your test and things, but what about your entire file? Do you all have any idea what she can do to get her files from a doctor she has never used? This just seemed stupid to me.

My understanding of HIPAA is that the records HAVE to be released to the PATIENT OR to anyone she authorizes, whether or not that person is medical personnel. Reasonable copying costs are ok.
Similar issue with dentist a few years ago, agree that reasonable copy cost may need to be incurred.

resolved my problem with a face to face with other dentist and it got solved very quickly afterwards (human empathy)

may need the "human" contact and empathy to resolve, "honey typically works better than vinegar in moving things forward", vinegar approach tend to bog down responses

your recors are your records, what good do they do for the "old" office

You, by law, have a right to your own records. They cannot deny her of them. She may need to get a lawyer. Good case building here.
Sounds like the Doc who owns that old practice is being a ****.

HIPPA Law Requires that your records be sent to whoever The Patient designates.
Usual practice is No Charge if sent to another Doctor or Medical Facility.
They can impose a Copying Charge (I have seen $1 per page being asked) so your friend may ask to see the records and then order Only copies of the pages of interest. (That's how Huntsville Hospital operates their Records Office).
Mileena, I am in the same boat as your friend. Been trying for a couple of weeks to get my records. Most of the Doctors seem pretty, La Di Da, about it. I have found that if I am real ,real nice, and explain what the situation is that someone will step up to the plate and get me what I need. I do agree though that if you do that and still get nowhere then its time to get forceful about it,(threats,Lawyers,ect]. Too bad it has to come to that but sometimes its all you have. I hope it doesnt come to that with your friend and she can get the info she needs without a big fight. Daren
I've only had one time that I've had to get an attorney involved. Even then, they gave me a hard time about taking them out of the building. I looked at the lady, said hey, I've paid for them, you've already spoke to my attorney, so hand them over or I call the cops.