Not great news

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2007
North Carolina
I posted a while back about a member on here, Flowergal, who had been in the hospital for sometime and not doing well. Hiafa (her real name) I think was a member on here years ago (Ross can correct me here), when she had to have surgery done on her aortic valve due to radiation she received as a child. She rejoined a couple of years ago when it became evident the radiation wasn't finished with her heart as she now needs both her mitral and tricuspid valves replaced. With the present situation, this is now taking a big backseat and will probably not happen. She has also had breast cancer and thryroid issues as a result of this same radiation.

I spoke to her sister today and the news is not so good. She has a tumor (they think about 8", which is huge) in her upper spine. She was moved to the Mayo where they determined that it was cancerous. She is now basically paralyzed from the waist down, which they are hoping is only temporary from the surgery to obtain the biopsies. She has been in the hospital now for around 2.5 -3 months and is having a hard time. They are trying to get her stronger so they can do some rehab and hopefully get her back on her feet while her back heals so they can start radiation treatments (the very thing that has caused this tumor). Obviously, she is very scared, and mad and sad and every other thing you can imagine if you were in her shoes. For any of you who remember her and want to drop her a note, here is her caringbridge page which her sister is updating whenever she has time. I know she would appreciate you all keeping her in your prayers.

So sorry to read that Flowergal is still struggling like this Kimmie! She definitely has my prayers & wishing her only the best!

Thank you for keeping us updated on her condition.
I spoke to Hiafa's sister today. For those of you who haven't gone to look at her carepage, she has been moved to a rehab hospital to try and get her strength back and hopefully learn to walk again before starting radiation treatment.

Her sister told me to say thank you to those of you who posted notes to her on her carepage. She said it really lifted Hiafa's spirits when she realized that people from here were posting on there. So, if you have time, please take a moment to send her a note.
I spoke to Hiafa twice today. She obviously is very sad about this turn in her life. She is hoping to be released from the rehab place in two weeks. The only problem is that she can't go home because her house is 4 levels and if I understand it correctly, the main level you enter doesn't have a bathroom. She is unable to stand at all on her own and obviously is unable to walk because of the tumor in her spine. So, they are trying to find temporary, handicap accessible housing to move in to and, of course, they also have to hire an aid to come and help her. They are also in the process of finding a Dr. to do the radiation treatments. This still can't start because the sites on her back where they took the biopsies have not healed yet.

She asked about everyone on here today. I told her that I had posted what was going on with her. Please continue to keep her and her family in your prayers.

I feel so sad for this poor lady. Like Ross I feel helpless, except to keep her in my prayers. '' Hiafa, you are top of my prayer list''. God bless you. x